*BSD News Article 59409

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From: root@icon.net (The ICON Team) (Unix System Manager)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Livingston Radiusd Package for FreeBSD 2.1
Date: 12 Jan 1996 06:37:19 GMT
Organization: (ICON) InterConnect Online, Inc.
Lines: 60
Message-ID: <4d4viv$m8e@news.icon.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ns5.icon.net
Summary: Livingston radius
Keywords: Radiusd radius livingston pm2
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

For those who have been "wasting bandwith" here on Livingston's Radiusd
I've ftp a complete radius-1.16.tgz with complete binary and complete src 
made for FreeBSD 2.10.  I clean up the header and make file and compiled 
clean under FreeBSD 2.10 :)

You can use it as is, the bin for radiusd is included in the src 
sub directory.  The package is on ftp.cdrom.com  in the following

Have FUN ISP :)
Wes Chew				   +  Power by FreeBSD  +
Email: chew@ns1.icon.net                   **********************

Note: I've a hacked a version of radius and fingerd server to support
      dynamic IP fingerd. Basically, it allow remote user to finger any valid 
      radius user on pm2 and return their dynamic IP address and other 
      info. Btw, it does support good'o UN*X .plan too :)
      The following is a session by fingering a user on icon.net

Finger query from IP [ns5.icon.net]

Login       : rickdman
Name        : Rick L. Mantooth
IP Address  : okc159.icon.net
IP Protocol : PPP

Plan : Here's my plan!

Rick Mantooth
email - rickdman@icon.net
talk me root@okc??.icon.net <finger me> <g>
Dictionary ---> MURPHY'S LAW: 1- See Mantooth


bash# make
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./radiusd.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./dict.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./users.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./util.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./md5.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./attrprint.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./acct.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -o version.o -c ./version.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -o radiusd radiusd.o dict.o users.o util.o md5.o
attrprint.o acct.o version.o -lcrypt
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -c ./radpass.c
gcc -O -DNOSHADOW -o radpass radpass.o md5.o util.o -lcrypt
bash# ls -l radiusd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  57  35799 Jan 11 23:21 radiusd