*BSD News Article 59682

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From: se@ZPR.Uni-Koeln.DE (Stefan Esser)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: SCO rebellion?
Date: 15 Jan 1996 16:33:39 GMT
Organization: Institute for Mathematics, University of Cologne, Germany
Lines: 23
Sender: se@Sysiphos (Stefan Esser)
Message-ID: <4ddvl3$e3@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de>
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960108203155.19152A-100000@world.evansville.net> <4cuat5$lj5@zuul.nmti.com> <30F9DA79.4357@sooner.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: sysiphos.mi.uni-koeln.de

In article <30F9DA79.4357@sooner.net>, Rusty Weaver <rusty@sooner.net> writes:

|> I'm running BSDI.  I've used SCO in the past and I still prefer it even
|> though BSD has all the bell and whistles.  BSD is just too slow.  SCO has
|> had a long time to optimize their code and have done a pretty good job of
|> it.  On the other hand, Altos has a version of SCO which is supposed to
|> be 200 times faster than regular SCO.  That's got to be 1000 times faster

200 times faster ???

|> than BSD.  SCO is soon to release a 64 bit version. . . it should scream!

64 bit ... for which CPU ?

You didn't succeed in making
me believe that you have the 
slightest idea what you are 
talking about ...
 Stefan Esser, Zentrum fuer Paralleles Rechnen		Tel:	+49 221 4706021
 Universitaet zu Koeln, Weyertal 80, 50931 Koeln	FAX:	+49 221 4705160
 http://www.zpr.uni-koeln.de/~se			  <se@ZPR.Uni-Koeln.DE>