*BSD News Article 59816

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From: scott@statsci.com (Scott Blachowicz)
Subject: Re: Problems w/ User PPP
In-Reply-To: "Todd C. Huss"'s message of Fri, 19 Jan 1996 12:44:54 -0500
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To: "Todd C. Huss" <husst@btv.ibm.com>
Lines: 68
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Organization: StatSci div. of MathSoft, Seattle, WA USA
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Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 19:56:20 GMT

>>>>> "Todd" == "Todd C Huss" <husst@btv.ibm.com>
 Todd> I've been trying to get it working with Slirp. I know my Slirp configuration
 Todd> is fine because it works just fine with pppd, however, User Space PPP 
 Todd> never switches to the capital PPP prompt. My guess is that User Space PPP
 Todd> tries to detect when the other side is talking PPP which doesn't seem to
 Todd> happen with Slirp (I'm using version 1.0b). Any suggestions would be 
 Todd> appreciated. Thanks!

Well...I just got this setup to work.  My .slirprc looks like this:

    baudrate 19200
    mtu 552
    mru 552
    asyncmap 0
    redir X start 5

My /etc/ppp/ppp.conf on the server side has this:

     set device /dev/cuaa1
     set speed 57600
     set debug Chat
     set escape 0
     disable lqr
     deny lqr
     set dial "ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\\sCARRIER TIMEOUT 5 \"\" ATE1%C1%M3&Q5S46=138S48=7S37=11 OK-AT-OK \\dATDT\\T TIMEOUT 50 CONNECT"

     # "sensitive" info XXXXXXXX'd out for posting to net.
     set phone XXXXXXXX
     # I use the chat script to fire up slirp from my csh dialin
     # account. "PROMPT%" would be the csh prompt string.
     set login "TIMEOUT 30 login:-\\r-login: XXXXXXXX word: XXXXXXXX PROMPT% exec\\sslirp"
     set timeout 600
     deny pred1
     disable pred1
    #  deny acfcomp
    #  disable acfcomp
    #  deny protocomp
    #  disable protocomp
     # NOTE: the system on the other end of my dialup currently has this fixed IP address.
     set ifaddr 0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
     add 0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

and my /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup has this:

    # If we are invked with an argument ``iij-demand'', then
    # delete existing route entry and add peer as default gateway.
     delete ALL
     add 0 0 HISADDR
    # Otherwide, simply add peer as default gateway.
     add 0 0 HISADDR

Hopefully, there's some useful hints in all of that.  Comments/tuning
suggestions most welcome.  For instance, I haven't completely figured out
how to set this up.  I figure I'll run 'ppp -auto sabslirp0' in
/etc/rc.local.  Then maybe run a caching named that forwards to name
servers at the other end of the phone line. Sound reasonable?

Scott Blachowicz  Ph: 206/283-8802x240   Mathsoft (Data Analysis Products Div)
                                         1700 Westlake Ave N #500
scott@statsci.com                        Seattle, WA USA   98109