*BSD News Article 59826

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From: I.G.Batten@ftel.co.uk (Ian G Batten)
Subject: Re: ISP hardware/software choices (performance comparison)
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: doctor-seuss.ftel.co.uk
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Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 08:59:13 GMT
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In article <4dbun0$j2f@park.uvsc.edu>,
Terry Lambert  <terry@lambert.org> wrote:
> 2)	More robust.  Uptimes in months or years.

We see that with 2.4.  2.5 seems just as solid.

> 4)	Available for Motorolla based hadware so a heterogeneous
> 	environment can provide the user with a near-identical

How many serious sites still use Motorola suns as anything more than X
terminals?  Why would they do such a thing?  The last release for
Motorola was 4.1.1 (4.1.1_U1, perhaps?) so they had been cut loose even
before SunOS 5 hit the streets (a friend of mine saw a very early SVR4
from Sun on a 3/80, so the whole thing's marketing-led anyway).  Sun 2s
were dropped in 4.0.3.

> 5)	Compiles most net sources "out of the box" without
> 	modification or use of a compatability environment.

I'm thinking of all the trouble we've had with 2.4...er, that'll be
``minimal''.  No more than during 3.X->4.X.

> 8)	NFS is reliable, does not violate protocol specification.

Sun deny this.  I don't know, as my NFS load is carried on an Auspex.
