*BSD News Article 60217

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From: mld@netcom.com (Matthew Deter)
Subject: Support for 3com Etherlink III PCI (3c590) ???
Message-ID: <mldDLtCHy.Fzo@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
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Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 00:10:46 GMT
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Does FreeBSD support 3COM's Etherlink III PCI Bus master controller?
(the 3c590)

My GENERIC kernel recognizes that the ethernet card exists, and that
it's ethernet, but then says that there is no driver installed,
leading me to think that I just need to compile it in.

But the FreeBSD hardware list does NOT list the 3c590 as supported

So, can someone explain what's going on?  Any chance at using one of
the other 3com drivers to drive this card?  At this point I couldn't care
less about performance, I just need some connectivity!  FTPing things
with Win95 and then mounting the DOS partition is getting *real* old.  :-)


 $   $   Matthew Deter   "My method is reason."
 $$ $$ 
 $ $ $   EMail:  mld@deter.com
 $   $     WWW:  http://www.deter.com