*BSD News Article 60376

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From: csdayton+usenet@midway.uchicago.edu (Soren Dayton)
Subject: Re: Linux and FreeBSD:  Differences?
In-Reply-To: craigs@os.com's message of Mon, 29 Jan 96 13:54:20 GMT
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: woodlawn.uchicago.edu
Message-ID: <xcdrawjhx2v.fsf@woodlawn.uchicago.edu>
To: craigs@os.com (Craig Shrimpton)
Lines: 34
Sender: csdayton@woodlawn.uchicago.edu
Organization: uchi.comp.unix viper cabal
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References: <4drq9h$o2m@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4eijr5$mrt@venus.os.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 14:52:56 GMT

Our friend, craigs@os.com (Craig Shrimpton), wrote:

> In article <4drq9h$o2m@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>,
>    ahupp@primenet.com (Adam Hupp) wrote:
> There were eight major differences between the two that I considered when 
> choosing FreeBSD or Linux.
> 1) FreeBSD is secure, Linux is not. (Linux has way too many suid programs)

  How much of the security is intrinsic in the operating system?  Has
the syslog bug been patched on Linux yet? (for example)  Another
observation that might be worth making is that most of the common
security packages are developed on a BSD 4.4 system it seems.
> 3) FreeBSD has faster networking than Linux.
> 5) Linux makes a better web server. (Apache seemed "snappier" on Linux)

  What accounts for this?  I would imagine that the web server would
make the networking speed kinda important.  What other factors are going
on here that I am not thinking about?
 My reasons for choosing FreeBSD over Linux are that I am not very
comfortable with the ways that Linux has been going.  For example, some
simple things are still broken (like flock as I recall).  This is just
_really_ important.  And I really dislike all the of the distributions
that I have seen (especially bash as /bin/sh.  I think that this is just
fundamentally broken). And I confess to having a preference for BSD type
systems, so it seemed the way to go

Thanks, just curious