*BSD News Article 60442

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From: j@uriah.heep.sax.de (J Wunsch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Compile error ...need help
Date: 24 Jan 1996 00:10:10 GMT
Organization: Private BSD site, Dresden
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <4e3td2$6th@uriah.heep.sax.de>
References: <4e2fq3$9un@serv.hinet.net>
Reply-To: joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de (Joerg Wunsch)
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hc033694@hntp2.hinet.net (HSIAO Hsuei-cheng) writes:

> After compile kernel and reboot, my freebsd cannot start up as usual.
> It alway gives me a message `cannot find /usr/bin/ld' but I can finf it
> after changing kernel and restart it. Is there any one help me.

You have apparently deleted one of the optional file systems from your
kernel config.  Alas, your fstab references one of them (most likely
procfs) prior to mounting /usr.  The file system mount command will
then attempt to load a loadable kernel module for the file system, but
this requires the /usr/bin/ld program.

Reorder the entries in /etc/fstab to have the /usr file system next to
the root file system.

cheers, J"org

joerg_wunsch@uriah.heep.sax.de -- http://www.sax.de/~joerg/ -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
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