*BSD News Article 60586

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From: bde@zeta.org.au (Bruce Evans)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: sio driver, Zoltrix internal modem woes
Date: 5 Feb 1996 14:33:09 +1100
Organization: Kralizec Dialup Unix
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <4f3tpl$p8l@godzilla.zeta.org.au>
References: <4f1vfd$aav@groa.uct.ac.za>
NNTP-Posting-Host: godzilla.zeta.org.au

In article <4f1vfd$aav@groa.uct.ac.za>, Sandi Donno <sandi@cs.uct.ac.za> wrote:
>Hi there
>I have a Zoltrix V34 internal modem which worked just fine under
>FreeBSD and works fine under DOS.
>Now FreeBSD 2.1 doesn't find it. Or rather, the sio probe tests 5 and 6  
>fail and all the others succeed, and thus the probe as a whole fails (I set
>flag 0x80 on so that I could see verbose diagnostics).
>Would the driver code break badly if I modify it to ignore the results
>of these two tests? (the modem is the only serial device I have on the

Perhaps.  The tests may fail because the modem takes longer than expected
to respond.  Future versions of the driver will have delays in some of
the tests to allow for this.
Bruce Evans  bde@zeta.org.au