*BSD News Article 62130

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From: guezou_p@freon.epita.fr (Philippe 'aka fifi...' Guezou)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Help! NetBSD doesn't recognize my ethernet card!
Date: 15 Feb 1996 11:09:35 GMT
Organization: Epita (French Computer Science school)
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <GUEZOU_P.96Feb15110936@freon.epita.fr>
References: <4fj0no$dac@Radon.Stanford.EDU> <4fkjvp$c7f@carol.fwi.uva.nl>
	<4fljuh$s5s@Radon.Stanford.EDU> <4fq14o$8p1@trumpet.uni-mannheim.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: freon.epita.fr
In-reply-to: andrew@wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de's message of 13 Feb 1996
	12:45:12 GMT

In article <4fq14o$8p1@trumpet.uni-mannheim.de> andrew@wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de (Andrew Wheadon) writes:
> Your card will probably be "soft-configurable" so if it's an 8bit
> card (otherwise it DOES have irq 10 in soft-config-mode) then
> set it to one of the other values. I have been told that trying
> to use the hard-configured jumpers will often not work, while
> soft-configuring does. (I'm talking about the same driver
> but I have not used it with an ne2000)
> Cheerio


	i've got an NE2000 Clone (EZ-NE2000+), jumperless configurable, it
	run fines with this config:

	IRQ 9
	IO  0x300
	no conflict problems..

	hope this helps...
guezou "fifi"  philippe		e-mail: guezou_p@epita.fr
  ( Marvin is still alive )		linux@epita.fr
     -=< Linux User >=- -=<>=-=<>=- -=< NetBSD 1.1 User >=-	
Look into my eyes and try to forget that you have a Macy's charge card!