*BSD News Article 62149

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From: rashid@rk.ios.com (Rashid  Karimov)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: HDs/SCSI-PCI perf. data.
Date: 23 Feb 1996 19:44:14 GMT
Organization: Internet Online Services
Lines: 61
Message-ID: <4gl5ee$4an@news.ios.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rk.ios.com
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		Hi there folx,

	Who are Today's Fastest ? :)

	I mean the combination of motherboard/SCSI HD/SCI adapter
	that delivers max perfomance ? max read/write speed etc ?

	I have different values here on ASUS 133/166 Mhz P5,
	150/200Mhz PPro machines( with mucho deprecated PCI set)
	and RAID Arrays.

	For example
	(command is: dd if=/dev/rsd0a of=/dev/null count=200 bs=64k)

	P166/ASUS/Aha2940(not wide,Seagate):
	13107200 bytes transferred in 2 secs (6553600 bytes/sec)
	P133(other stuff the same)
	52428800 bytes transferred in 8 secs (6553600 bytes/sec)

	P6-200Mhz(the same, runs INND and ~130 readers + 2 feeds
	at the time of the test):
	13107200 bytes transferred in 3 secs (4369066 bytes/sec)
	real slow comparing to the "regular" PCI chip like one
	in P5 ASUSes

	P5-166(Bustec Wide SCSI, Seagate 32250W, under BSDI) - 
	~8700000 bytes/sec

	P6-200 ASUS( hate it!) with RAID array ( all in HW no
	special drivers reqd) - only 3Mb/sec ! 

	So ... any1 here has some info on the topic to share?
	I'd really like to know read speed on  ftp.freebdf.org 
	( I wasnt able to get Alder here :))

	Any considerations of what to do to make the system fly ?
	What's the max one saw with Wide Adaptors ? 100Mb ethernet ?



               Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
               In the world of magnets and miracles
               Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
               The ringing of the division bell had begun ...
                        -=PF, The Division Bell=-