*BSD News Article 62220

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From: mark@plato.ucsalf.ac.uk (Mark Powell)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: 2.10 Install with AIC-7850 Fast SCSI-2 problem: hangs writing disk partition
Date: 26 Feb 1996 09:03:41 -0000
Organization: Computer Services Unit, University College Salford, Salford, UK
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <4grt1d$gd1@plato.ucsalf.ac.uk>
References: <4gpj7u$k9u@gidora.kralizec.net.au>
NNTP-Posting-Host: plato.ucsalf.ac.uk

In article <4gpj7u$k9u@gidora.kralizec.net.au>,
Andrew Reilly <reilly@zeta.org.au> wrote:
>I have a new system with an Adaptec AIC-7850 SCSI-2 controller on the motherboard.
>This is supposed to be similar to the AHA-2940 PCI card, but with fewer SCBs.
>Anyway, the installation disks recognised the controller, and seemed to be going fine
>(which is much better than I managed with NetBSD1.1) right up to the point where I
>said "go ahead, do it."  It put up an informational message to the effect that it was
>writing the disk label info, and then hung with the drive activity light on.  This was
>from the "Novice" install.

I already had FreeBSD installed on a SCSI disk. I upgraded my motherboard to one
with a 7850 on board. The kernel booted recognised the chipset, but some SCSI error
message repeatedly flew up the screen. I just installed a AHA2940 and haven't
tried it again since.

>Andrew Reilly: reilly@zeta.org.au                            +61 2 559 5029 (h)
Mark Powell - Senior Network Technician - Room: C806
Computer Services Unit, University College Salford, Salford, UK.
Tel:	+44 161 745 3376	Fax:	+44 161 736 3596
Email:	mark@ucsalf.ac.uk	finger mark@ucsalf.ac.uk (for PGP key)
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