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Xref: sserve comp.unix.bsd:6277 comp.os.linux:12117 Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd,comp.os.linux Path: sserve!!!sgiblab!!!!mahendo!thyme!kaleb From: (Kaleb Keithley) Subject: Re: Motif for 386BSD Message-ID: <> Organization: Posting from Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 16:15:44 GMT Lines: 34 The question that remains unasked through all this is: What is it the 386BSD/Linux user community wants out of a widget set? Do you want the polished 3D look of Motif? Do you want uil? Do you want mwm? Are you going to port a commercial application from Brand X? Most, if not all, people who've chosen 386BSD/Linux have done so for two reasons: it's free, and it's got the source code. I feel safe in saying that Motif for 386BSD/Linux won't be free, and you won't get the source code. If you want Motif for the AES/API, because you're porting a commercial application, well, you can probably afford the source. Unless you ship libraries, it's only $1000 ($2000 for 1.2). But... If you want Motif for mwm, consider gwm. If you want Motif for uil, consider Wcl. And if you want Motif for its 3D look, may I humbly suggest Xaw3d. All the above alternatives are free, and include the source -- which I think fits the typical 386BSD/Linux user profile better than Motif ever will. -- Kaleb Keithley Not authorized, in any way, shape, or form, to speak for anyone.