*BSD News Article 62298

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From: Troy Barlow <tbarlow@skypoint.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Q: Install - ROOT.FLP bad?!?
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 21:26:22 -0600
Organization: SkyPoint Communications, Inc.
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I am having trouble installing FreeBSD from a DOS drive.
After I boot the bootdisk and setup all options, I get an error
right after it starts to load "root.flp".  It looks like it loads
most of the file, then it fails with a GZIP error leading me to
believe root.flp is corrupt.

  I downloaded root.flp from the FreeBSD site, 
/pub/FreeBSD/2.1.0-RELEASE/floppies dir twice (thought maybe it
was corrupt during first FTP.

  Does anyone know if this "root.flp" is good?  Can someone tell
me where to get one, or at least compare it to your CD-ROM copy
and tell me if it's the same size as this one (414720 bytes).
