*BSD News Article 63026

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From: Mark Blackman <markb>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Floating Point Exceptions
Date: 26 Feb 1996 00:35:45 GMT
Organization: University of Reading, U.K.
Lines: 26
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hello netland,

ummm... what's the recommended way for getting a NaN value into
a variable **without** causing a floating point exception?

I want to use the NaN value as a marker for bad data and i thought
a simple 0.0/0.0 would give me what i wanted, but alas a floating 
point exception was in the works.  Is this a function of gcc,
the kernel, the math coprocessor? and where do i tackle it?

code was
float var1, var2, nanvar;

var1 = 0.0;
var2 = 0.0;
nanvar = var1/var2;

i'm running 2.1.0 on pentium-60Mhz, pci bus. gcc 2.6.3. '-g' switch only.

any thoughts on the matter will be appreciated.
