*BSD News Article 63098

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From: nerle@pdv.de (Dirk Nerling)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.osf.osf1,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: need HELP - slow connection after routing ppp - ethernet
Date: 26 Feb 1996 15:48:50 GMT
Organization: PDV-Systeme Erfurt
Lines: 37
Message-ID: <4gskp2$qvf@Dortmund.Germany.EU.net>
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>You should be able to use "routed -s", since it *is* a gateway box.

Now I use "routed -s" , I also tried gated :(

>Try to disable TCP Extensions and see if that helps.  (in
>/etc/sysconfig, set it to NO and reboot).  I *doubt* it would help, but
>stranger things have happened.  I'm using a similar setup here, and I
>have no problems with *any* machines, although I'm using SCO and Sun

You mean I should TCP extensions disable at the PPP server? I changed
the sysconfig value. Unfortunately there were the same problem. A connect
to FreeBSD is normal, DEC Unix is slow.

Btw. the PC's "home" are running win95/win31. Now I wanna try to
connect with my own FreeBSD computer from home. 

>Also, if you've got flow control problems at either the home end or on
>the server you will also see problems, but then it shouldn't matter
>which host you connect to either.
There (seems) aren't flow control problems. WIN31--FreeBSD--FreeBSD 

Best regards 

Dirk Nerling                nerle@pdv.de            http://www.pdv.de/~nerle  
 You read my own humble opinion - it's NOT an offical statement of the firm
                            PDV-Systeme Erfurt!