*BSD News Article 63245

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From: aaronv@dnai.com (Aaron Vinson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: NetBSD on IIci Problems
Date: 10 Mar 1996 20:57:23 GMT
Organization: Direct Network Access, Ltd.
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <aaronv-1003961259090001@isdn6-205.dnai.com>
X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.1.2

Hi, I've recently been trying to get NetBSD 1.1 to run on a IIci with 8mg
of RAM. It's running on an external SCSI drive. I reformated the external
with FWB before installing NetBSD. I made a 16MB Swap partition and
dedicated the other 115MG or so to an A/UX Root partition.
I then used mkfs on the A/UX Root partition. I proceeded to install the
entire binary districution with the Install util. When I try to boot, this
is what happens... it seems to work ok until it gets to Bootstapping the
pmap system, then it says

Bootrapping the pmap system.
Failure in the BSD boot. nextpa=0x4106000, high[0]=0x4100000.
panic: You're hosed!

Stopped at      _Debugger+0x6:  unlk       a6
db> unexpected trap: vector offset 0x7f from 0xbef00000.

I have no idea what's wrong. The IIci I'm using has had no modifications
to it that I know of, I even yanked out the ethernet card. If you have any
suggestions, please mail them to aaronv@dnai.com, thanks

...............................have laptop will travel
                               Aaron Vinson, Webmaster Protege
                               Direct Network Access Ltd.
                               Co-Founder TeeNet, http://www.dnai.com/teenet