*BSD News Article 63361

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From: anj <andykin@gate.net>
Newsgroups: comp.bugs.2bsd,comp.bugs.misc
Subject: black hole
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 20:08:28 -0500
Organization: anj's flanges
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Message-ID: <3144CE8C.238D@gate.net>
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CC: comp.bugs.4bsd
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.bugs.2bsd:613 comp.bugs.misc:794

Have heard (but has not affected me) of a "black hole " in the e-mail 
function when sending mail using any e-mail program in win-95.  The 
messages over , say 2pages, ceases to recognize the outgoing , and locks 
up.  Any suggestions or pointers will be muchos appreceanado.	anj