*BSD News Article 63516

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From: kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.edu
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: God Damn partition crap!
Date: 13 Mar 1996 17:56:06 GMT
Organization: Applied Phyics Lab
Lines: 58
Message-ID: <4i727m$1hl@nntp5.u.washington.edu>
References: <4hqav8$kmo@nntp.interaccess.com> <3140F2B6.41C67EA6@freebsd.org> <4i1qp4$bmj@nntp5.u.washington.edu> <4i50q6$64i@uriah.heep.sax.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: troutmask.apl.washington.edu

     J Wunsch wrote in article <4i50q6$64i@uriah.heep.sax.de> :
>kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.edu writes:
>> Are you (or another core team member) going to ...
>Why do you (and that's not just you, Steven) always expect the core
>team members to do all the work???

I read the cvs-all mailing list and -stable mailing list.  If I had to
guess the single utility which receives the largest number of commits,
it would be sysinstall.  This is Jordan's baby as far as I can tell,
so I thought he would be the most logical person to strip out the
unnecessary parts to produce a USABLE tool quickly.

>We've got 14 core team members, but more than 50 committers.  Despite
>of this, everybody else (yes, you, you, and also ... you! there) can
>contribute something to the system, as long as he can find one of the
>committers to feel responsible for his `product'.
>Did you ever get the idea that in particular most core team members do
>already know how to setup a disk, and thus have much less need for
>such a tool than many other people?

Yes, I know the core team/committers know how to setup a new disk.  
I also have sent out a number of emails to new users pointing them
to disklabel/newfs and friends.  I was responding to Jordan's suggestion
of using sysinstall in manner that it was not intended to be used.

>Remember, this is a volunteer's
>project, and the driving force is (with a few minor exceptions) that
>somebody has some need for something, or feels it would be fun to do
>just this or that.  We do provide this service for free, and we enjoy
>sharing our results, and maintaining what we think might be a not too
>bad operating system.  But oh well, we do wanna have fun here -- we've
>already got way too much to do in all our day jobs (often also not so
>funny things there).

Joerg, you seem to have the illusion that I have not tried to contribute
to this volunteer effort.  That fines.  But, when I submitted a lengthy
patch to xinstall.c to add several options, I got the impression of
"thank you for your ideas, but no thanks we don't need your work."  The
-C and -p options added later by Bruce or Garrett (I don't recall who)
were (I believe) partly motivated by the patch.  The -z and -Z options
that I implemented allowed the installation of compressed binaries 
which can save tremendous disk space at the expense of some runtime
speed and memory usage.

There are probably other lurkers who do not readily contribute because
they get tired of looking up at those individuals on their soapboxes.

Steven G. Kargl     | Phone: 206-685-4677 |
Applied Physics Lab | Fax:   206-543-6785 |
Univ. of Washington |---------------------|
1013 NE 40th St     | FreeBSD 2.x-STABLE  |
Seattle, WA 98105   |---------------------|