*BSD News Article 63997

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From: ikhala@netcom.com (I'Khala)
Subject: Re: Linux BBS Drealm for Freebsd??..Or any other good BBS's??
Message-ID: <ikhalaDoJ2w7.JqC@netcom.com>
Organization: Freek N Geeks
References: <4il870$54v@news1.io.org>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 18:48:07 GMT
Lines: 18
Sender: ikhala@netcom10.netcom.com

In article <4il870$54v@news1.io.org>, keith mckay <olbear@io.org> wrote:
>Does Anyone know if Drealm BBS for linux has been ported over from Linux 
>to Freebsd, and If it'll work, without being ported.?? Also, could 
>anyone tell me if there are any other bbs software for FreeBsd, that has 
>message and file support, easy features, ETC...whatever, and is totally 

	i'm not sure about this off the top of mi head,
	but check the FAQ in alt.bbs.unixbbs ...

ikhala@netcom.com - Nubian Scientific Research
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