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From: Dave Corcoran <adair@netcom.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Mac IIci - NetBSD 1.1 success and problems
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 10:38:45 -0800
Organization: Camp Modin
Lines: 45
Message-ID: <3151A235.7121@netcom.com>
References: <jcarr-2103960858540001@jcarr.inxpress.net>
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X-NETCOM-Date: Thu Mar 21  8:35:16 AM PST 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Win16; I)

Jeff Carr wrote:
> I installed 4 4meg simms bringing my machine to 20meg total and happily I have
> yet to have had any problems. I was even able to compile the entire GENERIC
> kernel that is the same size as the default one that comes with netbsd1.1.
> My machine also works now with 256 colors. It hasn't crashed yet. I even

Heh.. makes me wonder how I get by with only 5meg and I can still use 256 

> If anyone knows how to successfully make a ppp connection in netbsd I would
> love to hear about it.
> I tried:
> /usr/sbin/pppd connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" ATDT5551212 CONNECT "" ogin:
> <username> word: <password> /dev/cua0 2400 debug crtscts defaultroute
> <ipnumber>:

I struggled for a while trying to get this to work, but I was finally able to 
do it thank to the help of some of the guys on #NetBSD on IRC. Here is the 
script I use:

from my prompt I type "./dialup". dialup is an executable file that I wrote 
that has one line which is this:

pppd /dev/tty00 38400 defaultroute connect 'chat -f /root/netcom'

"netcom" is a file I wrote that is the connect script that pppd uses, it 
looks like this:

"" "ATDT9999999" "gin:" "<username>" "word:" "<password>"

I think that's it. I made some modifications to the original script I found 
in the man pages (man pppd). And finally this works all by itself. I'm not at 
my box now so I can't be 100% sure, but I think that's all there is to it. 
The original script had "% " "exec pppd passive" after the password there, 
but that wasn't working for me so I think I took it out.

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. Lord knows, enough people 
have helped me get things running, I'm quite happy to help anyone else 
struggling with something I've managed to get by :)

-Dave Corcoran