*BSD News Article 64793

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From: rjh@pacinfo.net (R J Huntington)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FreeBSD a memory hog ?
Date: 3 Apr 1996 23:00:31 GMT
Organization: Pacific Information Exchange Inc
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4juvuf$5ge@rigel.pixi.com>
References: <dkleinh.828415914@isotope.ps.uci.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: romulus.pixi.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Keywords: FreeBSD, memory usage
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.5

In article <dkleinh.828415914@isotope.ps.uci.edu>, dkleinh@isotope.ps.uci.edu propones...
>    I am running FreeBSD 2.1 on a P-100 with 16MB ram and 16MB swap.  When I
>run netscape, after awhile, netscape is killed by the kernel with the message
>that the swap space is exhausted.  I also have Linux and I have never had
>netscape crash due to insufficient memory on Linux.  I have the same amount
>of swap when I run Linux and about the same number of processes.  I thought
>FreeBSD had better memory management than Linux.  I used to run Linux with
>only 8-MB ram and never had it kill netscape.  Where is all the memory going ?

The rule of thumb I have always used is to make swap = RAM x 2
which would mean a 32 MB swap space in your case. I have no problem
with this. I have actually made the 32 MB swap a minimum for my
systems, even when running 8 MB RAM, which I no longer do. However,
when I did run 8 megs, the 32 MB swap worked fine.