*BSD News Article 66008

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From: jkh@time.cdrom.com (Jordan K. Hubbard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: [Q] Can I use 128MB of memory with 2.1.0-RELEASE?
Date: 15 Apr 1996 21:43:05 -0700
Organization: The FreeBSD Project
Lines: 15
Sender: jkh@time.cdrom.com
Message-ID: <yfg91fwg4o6.fsf@time.cdrom.com>
References: <3171BBDC.53AE@panic.ktnet.co.kr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: time.cdrom.com
In-reply-to: "Jun, Gyu-Chang"'s message of Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:00:44 +0900
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.1

In article <3171BBDC.53AE@panic.ktnet.co.kr> "Jun, Gyu-Chang" <geoid@panic.ktnet.co.kr> writes:

     But, it seems to me that GENERIC kernel can not use the whole 
     memory. It detects the memory size as 64MB!!!

     Do I have to recomplie kernel?

Yes - `options	MAXMEM=<memory-size-in-kilobytes>'

Is the extra bit you need.

- Jordan Hubbard
  President, FreeBSD Project