*BSD News Article 66051

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From: javier5@ibm.net
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: FreeBsd in the press (Inforworld article)
Date: 14 Apr 1996 18:56:16 GMT
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4krhog$2ooq@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net>
Reply-To: javier5@ibm.net
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In the 4-8-96 issue of infoworld there is an article
about installation problems that occur in Windows95,
Windows NT, and OS/2. After a brief description of
why the problems occur the author of the article
mentions how FreeBsd has a better approach than
those other OSs in terms of how to handle device

"Ironically, one lesser-known OS provides the most
Robust solution of all: Freebsd ......"

"FreeBsd has an outline-structured visual configuration
editor that allows you to define as much (or as little)
of your hardware configuration as you wish before it
starts probing."

Infoworld 4-8-96
Help Desk-Brett Glass(brett_glass@infoworld.com)
Page 38

I was very pleased to see this reference to FreeBsd.
I do still think that the FreeBsd installation can be
improved specially the Dialup configuration for us
non Unix-gurus. :)