*BSD News Article 66245

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From: spberry@iastate.edu (Sean Berry)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: i386 on CDROM?
Date: 16 Apr 96 14:02:54 GMT
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Lines: 13
Message-ID: <spberry.829663374@pv6f17.vincent.iastate.edu>
References: <9604161222.aa28821@office.demon.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: pv6f17.vincent.iastate.edu

In <9604161222.aa28821@office.demon.net> darrylb@demon.net writes:

>btw: does anyone know where I can get hold of the latest NetBSD i386
>distribution on CDROM.

I've put together such a disc.  If there's sufficient interest (10-20) I'll
have another run done.  They ran me about $20 apiece last run.

(In other words, mail me if you want one)
Sean Berry is an ISTJ cellist who plays with netbsd. What good is a soul
I imagine someone is likely to misinterpret	     without fire to feed it?
my opinions as those of my various employers.  This is not the case.