*BSD News Article 66431

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From: root@dyson.iquest.net (John S. Dyson)
Subject: Re: Historic Opportunity facing Free Unix (was Re: The Lai/Baker paper, benchmarks, and the world of free UNIX)
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: dyson.iquest.net
Message-ID: <4l5k51$3fg@dyson.iquest.net>
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Organization: John S. Dyson's Machine
References: <4ki055$60l@Radon.Stanford.EDU> <tporczykDpqKHL.7vG@netcom.com> <DpsKyx.1Jo@catzen.gun.de> <4ku2n2$sqa@alfrothul.uchicago.edu>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 14:38:25 GMT
Lines: 41
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.development.system:21833 comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc:712 comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:3349 comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:3191 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:17741 comp.os.linux.advocacy:46387

In article <4ku2n2$sqa@alfrothul.uchicago.edu>,
C. Chan <chan@alfrothul.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>In article <DpsKyx.1Jo@catzen.gun.de>,
>Scot W. Stevenson <scot@catzen.gun.de> wrote:
>>Hello Tony,
>>> > Windows NT has too heavy a footprint (and price) for the desktop.
>>> Actually, Windows NT workstation is only $295.
>>(Laugh) Yeah, which is just about $295 over my budget...remember, there 
>>are a bunch of students over here, too...
>Our University has a Microsoft site discount, so NT 3.51 workstation
>is only around $150. Still about $150 more than I want to pay for it.
>There are commercial spreadsheets for Linux, check out WingZ and XQuad (the
>latter can read Excel 4 sheets). And there is WordPerfect from Caldera
>coming soon. The makers of XQuad also have a DTP program called Xclamation.
>They cost money, but a little startup like X4U has to make a living somehow.
>Check out ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/office/X4u for a demo.

In the real commercial world however, the above are non-starters where you
almost need Word-6 and now Word-7 compatibility.  The file format is
complex and not public.  Again, the vast majority of desktop
workstations in business are going to stay Windows->Win95->WinNT, sadly.  Any
statement that says Linux might be 50% faster than NT on networking isn't
going to convince the business community that Linux is the way to go, esp.
if they cannot run the applications that they WANT to run.  The businesses
have already trained their staff on Windows applications.

BTW, the above applications run nicely and quickly on FreeBSD (I have used Linux
WingZ on FreeBSD myself), and they are great for isolated individuals
or groups of individuals.  Bottom line, even standards bodies are using
Microsoft Word file distributions for prelim documents :-(.  When I want
to see the latest ATA spec, I have to run NT (I run NT & FreeBSD) to
print it out.
