*BSD News Article 66486

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From: les@MCS.COM (Leslie Mikesell)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Multiple IP networks on one interface (during switchover)?
Date: 18 Apr 1996 16:50:02 -0500
Organization: /usr/lib/news/organi[sz]ation
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <4l6dea$mn9@Mars.mcs.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: mars.mcs.com

I am in the process of switching internet feeds and thus need to
change my IP numbers, including that of my nameservers. During
the switch I will have two routers connecting to the old and
new addresses.  Would it be feasible to connect the routers to
the same ethernet and alias the nameservers' interfaces so they
will respond to the new network address as well as the old one?
Then after the rest of the world starts connecting to the new
nameserver address I can switch everything else over.  Or do
I need a couple of other machines to make this work?

If it will work, is there documentation for configuring multiple
class C network addresses onto the same interface?

Les Mikesell