*BSD News Article 66902

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From: drop@presence.lglobal.com (Colin P. Ryan)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Patch for >8 char ID's
Date: 23 Apr 1996 18:26:23 -0400
Organization: Local GlobalAccess Inc.
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <4ljlef$aa6@presence.lglobal.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: presence.lglobal.com

I'm looking for patches to 2.1.0 -RELEASE that will allow
for user id's of longer than 8 characters. The archive mentions
something about it being in the handbook but grepping finds no such 

Could someone point the way to the patch or proper modifications?


| Colin P. Ryan                  \!/                         Cyber- |
| Local GlobalAccess Inc.....More than Just a Provider!      Rights |
| 320 1/2 Bloor St. W. Toronto. ON                           NOW !! |
| e:drop@lglobal.com				Phone: (416)515-7400|