*BSD News Article 66904

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From: dwatson@abwam.com (Darryl Watson)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.unix.bsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.unix.osf.misc,comp.unix.sco.misc,comp.secur
Subject: Re: Communications Decency Act may corrupt protocols
Date: 24 Apr 1996 16:00:25 GMT
Organization: ABWAM, Inc.
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <4llj6p$3j7@hops.entertain.com>
References: <4l7k5h$if1@alca.Helsinki.FI> <4litt0$5n5@MICRO-HEART-OF-GOLD.MIT.EDU>
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.5
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.protocols.tcp-ip:44072 comp.unix.bsd.misc:841 comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:3360 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:18118 comp.unix.osf.misc:3051 comp.unix.sco.misc:16772

In article <4litt0$5n5@MICRO-HEART-OF-GOLD.MIT.EDU>, jc@eddie.mit.edu (John Chambers) says:

>Perhaps this is  a  very  practical  idea.   This  is  not  materially
>different   from   the   "perimeter  network"  model  that  a  lot  of
>organizations are using for security.  The idea is fairly simple,  and
>is  described  in a lot of texts on security.  The organization simply
>provides two parallel networks, one an "internal" network that is  not
>connected  to the outside world, and the other the "perimeter" network
>that is connected.   A  small  number  of  gateways  between  the  two
>implement the organization's access policies.
>We  might start suggesting to the politicians that this be adopted for
>the Internet.  All the FQDNs in the ".us" domain  will  be  considered
>internal to the USA and subject to its jurisdiction. All other domains
>will be declared legally external to the USA.


I've got a better idea.  Let's leave the Internet alone, and anyone who
wishes to control ideas, speech, and thoughts, can build their OWN 
internet which has a gateway connection to the 'real' internet.  That
way, anyone who builds their own net can impose whatever insane rules
and censorship desired, and not affect the rest of us.

We could call it 'OstrichNet'.