*BSD News Article 66905

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From: nailers@teleport.com (Blake Swensen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Majordomo for FreeBSD?
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 96 13:11:28 GMT
Organization: Teleport Internet Services Corp.
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4lljip$54o@nadine.teleport.com>
References: <4lbdl5$bii@Mercury.mcs.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ip-pdx07-49.teleport.com
X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #3

I know that FreeBSD.ORG is running it, but after much searching and digging I 
have yet to find a FreeBSD port for it.  My system complains about the 
compiling of the Wrapper program: something about a comparison between pointer 
and integer and a couple of other compile-time errors.

The Makefile from the 1.93 release also chokes on my system.  It fails to do 
some of the copying it is supposed to do.  I have hacked it somewhat, but 
still cannot get it to work.  

I followed the Makefile and copied the files manually (ugh!). Double checked 
all the configuration files, and still get the error back from the Wrapper 
program that I should re-compile with POSIX options.  Even tried that.. still 
the same error.

About to give up... If you do find a FreeBSD port of Majordomo, I would really 
like to share it with you.

In article <4lbdl5$bii@Mercury.mcs.com>, tundra@MCS.COM (Tim Daneliuk) wrote:
>I seem to recall someone mentioning that they had majordomo list services
>running under FreeBSD.  I assume there is no patching necessary since it
>is essentially Perl code as I recall.  Any comments on the issues here?