*BSD News Article 67004

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From: kpneal@eos.ncsu.edu (Kevin P. Neal)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Historic Opportunity facing Free Unix (was Re: The Lai/Baker paper, benchmarks, and the world of free UNIX)
Followup-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: 24 Apr 1996 23:17:28 GMT
Organization: The House of RetroComputing
Lines: 33
Message-ID: <4lmcq8$mt0@taco.cc.ncsu.edu>
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Krzysztof Foltman (kfoltman@rexio.uci.agh.edu.pl) wrote:
: In article <4l69vn$jb@solaria.cc.gatech.edu>, Byron A Jeff wrote:
: >- Come up with a free/open file formats for documents, spreadsheets and 
: >other file formats.
: .... give the example Perl scripts to do wonders with them ;-) ...

Actually, I was thinking that the Amiga IFF format would be ideal.

No, it isn't just for pictures. It is a general way of wrapping data
into chunks so that a parser can read through a file and pick out the
parts that it recognizes, and be sure to ignore the rest.

For example, a multimedia package with text, pictures, and sound could
save it's file to disk. A word processor could read the file and pick out
the text. A picture viewer could let you view the graphics in the file.
Same deal with sound. 

It's a very nice format, very well documented, and there is plenty of
example code out there that parses the files. A library or two (copyright
disagreements) could be written for use in applications, perhaps
included as part of the base OS as in AmigaDOS 2.04 (I think that was when
iffparse.library appeared?). 

You could even take CBM's API, it's well documented as well. What do you

XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Sophomore, Comp. Sci. \    kpneal@interpath.com
XCOMM  Frue, Secret Agent of Smerp (shh!)   \   kpneal@eos.ncsu.edu
XCOMM Visit the House of RetroComputing at  /      Perm. Email:
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