*BSD News Article 67031

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From: Luiz Neto <luiz@nlink.com.br>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Secure FTP access to users
Date: 27 Apr 1996 23:15:53 GMT
Organization: Netlink Internet Services
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <4lu9r9$fsg@mirage.nlink.com.br>
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Dear FreeBSD Experts,

I am having problems making SECURE FTP to our users, like anonymous,
where the user can't have access to the upper directories.
I tryed using the normal ftp access but the users could have access to 
all files in my hard drive. Is there any way we can create personal
ftp directories to all users, from which they can't get to upper 

Thanks in Advance,
Luiz de Barros 
Netlink Internet Services.