*BSD News Article 67458

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From: "David R. Beck" <drbeck@onramp.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Linux vs. FreeBSD
Date: Thu, 02 May 1996 09:08:34 -0500
Organization: Innovative Concepts
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I'm trying to decide between Linux and FreeBSD 2.1.  What are the
differences, advantages/disadvantages of each?  Does one make a better
Web server than the other.

It's obvious to me now that Linux has a wider (if not more public)
following.  I tried to pick up a copy of FreeBSD in the Dallas, Tx. area
today (called, called and drove). No luck! I found Linux everywhere.  I
know I can order FreeBSD, but that's just the impatient person I am ;>

The main reason I am considering FreeBSD is that I was very disappointed
with the lack of (or my inability to find) ppp connectivity in the
Slackware 2.2 with the 1.2.1 kernel.

Any comparison of Linux to FreeBSD would help.