*BSD News Article 67460

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From: brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk (Brian Somers)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Does Archive Viper 150 SCSI tape work reliably?
Date: 1 May 1996 10:53:20 +0100
Organization: Coverform Ltd.
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <4m7cag$ak@anorak.coverform.lan>
References: <4m5tjq$gq3@yama.mcc.ac.uk>
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Bill Nutt (bill@winu.fa.umist.ac.uk) wrote:
: Hi,

: as the subject line says....does it work?

: When trying to tar to it, my machine hung.   I always used to get this under
: Linux before the drivers improved.   I'm using an Adaptec 2742AT controller, 
: which works great with 2.1-RELEASE apart from any tape access.

: When the kernel boots, it tells me the Archive 150 is a "known rogue",
: so can I expect very much?   Has anyone else got this drive to work?

: I know its a crap old drive, but its the only backup I (used to) have at the
: moment (until I graduate this Summer and can afford REAL hardware!)
: Hopefully someone, somewhere has this drive working reliably - I'm now using
: my FreeBSD box on a final year project - hence backups would be a good idea 
: ;o)

I had a problem with this drive on 386bsd-0.1, but only in that it couldn't
stream the data to the drive fast enough.  Since then (four patch kits,
FreeBSD-, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2-SNAP), I've never had a problem.

: I'd like to add my sentiments to the serious (for once!) discussion between
: Linux and FreeBSD as well.   As someone who always used to go and get the
: latest linux kernel source (hoping for better SCSI reliability ;o) I must say
: FreeBSD is a breeze.   It *is* faster, and more secure, than linux was,
: and all in all feels more integrated, since the development team are more
: co-ordinated than their linux counterparts.

Talking about sentiments, I tried to install Linux once... couldn't massage
llio onto my disk !

: Thanks guys (and gals??) for a wonderful operating system.
: I think I'm in love with FreeBSD ;o)

: (the truly HELPFUL responses in the newsgroups are another welcome bonus!)
: thanks again,

: --Bill Nutt
: --Final Year Electronic Systems Engineering MEng
: --UMIST, Manchester, England

: mail: bill@winu.fa.umist.ac.uk

Brian <brian@awfulhak.demon.co.uk>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour....