*BSD News Article 67852

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From: michael@memra.com (Michael Dillon)
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Subject: Is Microsoft's Internet plan more about its love of power than about users?
Date: 6 May 1996 14:07:59 -0700
Organization: Memra Software Inc. - http://www.memra.com
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The following excerpt is from Infoworld, the best, most balanced computer
industry magazine I know of. Read the whole column at

-----begin excerpt------

Is Microsoft's Internet plan more about its love of power than about users?

There's a frightening moment in 1984 when Winston Smith turns to O'Brien,
his torturer, and says, "I understand how, but I don't understand why,"
and O'Brien tells him that power is its own excuse. 

"Imagine a boot crushing a human face forever," O'Brien cheerfully

I couldn't help thinking of Winston's querulous incredulity when I was at
Internet World in San Jose, Calif., last week. When it comes to
Microsoft's Internet strategy, I understand how, but I don't understand
why. I understand how Microsoft hopes to use ActiveX to keep developers
slaving over the Win32 APIs and you and me joylessly wedded to Microsoft's
massive platforms. That part's easy. But I no longer know if Microsoft's
resistance to thin clients goes much beyond the desire for things to go on
as they are. Imagine Windows booting up in your face forever. 

Michael Dillon                                    Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc.                                 Fax: +1-604-546-3049
http://www.memra.com                             E-mail: michael@memra.com