*BSD News Article 67974

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From: jsloan@LiveNet.Net (Jim Sloan)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc,comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Historic Opportunity facing Free Unix (was Re: The Lai/Baker paper, benchmarks, and the world of free UNIX)
Date: Wed, 08 May 96 05:27:55 GMT
Organization: LiveNet, Inc.
Lines: 70
Message-ID: <4mpbdq$d80@PaperBoy.LiveNet.Net>
References: <NELSON.96Apr15010553@ns.crynwr.com> <31866E12.67FD83BE@lambert.org> <4m8k99$o12@master.di.fc.ul.pt> <318978E8.14B8@vfr.interceptor.com> <4mmhcj$dfr@news1.halcyon.com> <31901BFD.7BAC@vfr.interceptor.com>
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.os.linux.development.system:23329 comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc:936 comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:3691 comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc:3529 comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc:18963 comp.os.linux.advocacy:48492

In article <31901BFD.7BAC@vfr.interceptor.com>, thumper@vfr.interceptor.com wrote:
>Tim Smith wrote:
>> Thumper! <thumper@vfr.interceptor.com> wrote:
>> >Even if you own the product, it is ILLEGAL for you to use that information
> to
>> >engineer your own product, whether it be compatible or not (ie, using the
>> >information to learn from is illegal as well).
>> [I'm assuming United States law in this posting]
>> In general, this is incorrect.  If you don't want someone to be able to
>> legally reverse engineer your product, you've got to get them to
>> contractually agree to not reverse engineer it.  For non-software
>> products, there is not much you can do to stop reverse engineering,
>> except get patents to cover the essentials of your product, or make
>> sure that you are careful who you sell to.  If it's going to be a mass
>> marketed product that any schmoe can go and buy at the supermarket or
>> hardware store, patents are about the only protection you can hope
>> for.
>That would sadly imply that software is unprotectable.  Commercial software,
> GNU, 
>GPL, etc, are meaningless, because it's therefore legal to take someone's
> product, 
>take it apart to see how it works, and then derive your own work partially, or
> even 
>entirely, from that work, and proceed to legally sell your own work.  That
> would 
>also apply to hardware as well; just take apart an Intel CPU, make a copy, and 
>build your own.  After all, why should patents offer protection that copyright 
>Consider this:  a screenwirter writes a movie.  Someone else takes his script, 
>reads the scripts, makes changes, and produces the movie.  Is the screenwriter 
>entitled to anything?
>Thumper!                                    Leporidae Extraordinhare
>thumper@vfr.interceptor.com      http://www.interceptor.com/~thumper
>                "Life is to achieve the impossible"

If you wrote a book about a canoe trip down a river and wrote as seen 
through your eyes on the canoe trip and i saw the manuscript and decided to 
rewrite it as someone else watching you taking the canoe trip, then the works 
are two different works.  An IDEA cannot be patented or copyrighted, only the 
actual works can be.  In software, all there has to be is sufficient enough 
code that is the same as the original code that shows it was not original code 
to break copyright laws.  On the other hand, if I take a piece of software, 
play with it to see how it works, look at the underlying structures and figure 
it out without any code, I can most definitely write software to that is 
compatible with the original software legally.  If that wasn't the case, there 
wouldn't be FoxPro, which, in essence, reverse engineered dBase and wrote 
their own DBMS that ran dBase code and wrote to dBase files and indexes.  This 
is common practice in the software industry.  Phoenix did it with BIOS code 
from IBM's original BIOS, but they did it in what is called "CLEAN ROOM" 
reverse engineering.  They had engineers who broke down the code, wrote down 
what it did (no code, just how it performed), gave the specs to another set of 
engineers who developed the code to perform the exact same function.  I could 
site many examples of this in the software, hardware, movie, music, and 
literary industries.

 Jim Sloan                        jsloan@livenet.net
 Vice President
 LiveNet, Inc.                         
 413 Davis St. Suite 106          Full Service Internet Provider
 Virginia Beach VA 23462          Dialup and dedicated connections
 Ph: 804-499-9328                 Virtual Web, Email, and FTP hosting
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