*BSD News Article 68044

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From: tporczyk@netcom.com (Tony Porczyk)
Subject: Re: Linux vs. FreeBSD ...
Message-ID: <tporczykDr2Ctn.n4G@netcom.com>
Organization: ITRC
References: <3188C1E2.45AE@onramp.net> <4mnsc5$6qo@sundial.sundial.net>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 01:44:11 GMT
Lines: 24
Sender: tporczyk@netcom10.netcom.com

b.j.smith@ieee.org (Bryan J. Smith, E.I.) writes:

>Linux, since it is written from the ground-up, is a much more efficient OS 
>than FreeBSD

Your assumption that code which is developed over the years is less
efficient than one which is written from scratch is rather fascinating.
Would you mind proving it?

From my tests of heavy network loads (that's all I'm interested in),
FreeBSD beats Linux hands down.  Nevertheless, I use them both and like
them.  I also recommend them to others depending on the projected use.

>than FreeBSD (which has been written somewhat from the ground up, to prevent 
>a lawsuit from BSDI, is still a lot of legacy OS code).  

By "legacy", you mean UNIX? :-)

Tony Porczyk     *     tporczyk@netcom.com     *     San Jose,  California
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