*BSD News Article 68158

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From: sputnik@aloha.net (Virgil V.)
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Subject: Re: The PC Mac Holy war
Date: 10 May 1996 09:04:34 GMT
Organization: Anonymous Net Surfer
Lines: 32
Distribution: inet
Message-ID: <sputnik-0905962327220001@oahu-160.u.aloha.net>
References: <---0405961742330001@dyna-37.net7b.io.org> <david-0705960551500001@ts1dl40.escape.ca> <318F5C58.4BBF@rss.dl.nec.com> <4mo939$h3@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com> <bluegoose-0805960749060001@max3-vgd-ca-47.earthlink.net>
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In article <bluegoose-0805960749060001@max3-vgd-ca-47.earthlink.net>,
bluegoose@earthlink.net (RBA) wrote:

> In article <4mo939$h3@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>, * wrote:
> > On Tue, 07 May 1996 09:21:12 -0500, Michael Teter
> > <teter@rss.dl.nec.com> wrote:
> > How can you say MACs are better.. MAC OS doesn't even have preemptive
> > multitasking!! Get Windows 95.. It has preemptive multitasking for
> > 32-bit apps and co-operative multitasking for 16-bit apps... and MACs
> > don't have nearly as much software as PCs do..Maybe that's why 99% of
> > businesses use PCs and not MACs.. It doesn't matter.. Apple will be
> > out of busineess by 1997...Get a real computer
So your saying windows95 is a real computer?Forget it!  Pre-emtive
multitasking, lots of software, 32-bit apps don't make a great operating
system. The thing between your ears make a computer great.  No offense but
I just don't think windows95 is as good as a mac. Yes, I have used it
occassionally at work but I prefer my mac. Not to be a mac loyalist or
anything but in my opinion if the OS that you use makes money and has been
productive why switch? And in fact, the mac can do most anything that
windows95 can do.  I only thank myself for getting and sticking with the
mac. Its the only computer that I'll ever need. And I don't care if Apple
goes out of business by the way. All they really have to do is release
copland and they'll be back in business. But that is IF.......

Virgil Vergara