*BSD News Article 68272

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From: gordon@sneaky.lerctr.org (Gordon Burditt)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: When booting, get Error: C:1286 > 1023 (BIOS limit). Then it hangs.
Date: 11 May 1996 01:24:29 -0500
Organization: What organization?
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4n1bqt$1cb@hammy.lonestar.org>
References: <4ls0g6$d7h@tribune.concentric.net> <4m4erg$5k3@uriah.heep.sax.de>
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.hammy.lonestar.org

>Your root partition extends beyond cylinder 1023 from a BIOS point of
>view, and your /kernel actually sits behind this limit.  

On a related problem, my IDE drive has more than 1024 cylinders.
Currently slice 1 is DOS and slice 2 is FreeBSD, which extends
up to cylinder 1023.  I'd like to use the extra space beyond that.  
It appears that FreeBSD 2.1R doesn't like any portion of the slice to 
be above 1024, even though root ends after the first hundred cylinders 
or so.

How do I create *another* FreeBSD slice, slice 3, using cylinders
1024 and above, so I can use the space?  I've tried using fdisk, 
setting up the partition, but disklabel refuses to create a disklabel 
on wd0s3.  It doesn't have to include root or swap or anything, I
just want to use the space.

I tried using sysinstall.  It shows me 3 slices (63 sectors before
DOS, DOS, and FreeBSD) and it has the geometry wrong (number of
cylinders shows as 1024 rather than the true number).  I fix
the number of cylinders.  It *STILL* shows me only 3 slices, and
refuses to let me do a "create partition" for the space remaining
to the end of the disk, which it refuses to acknowledge exists.

Disklabel seems to be a useful utility, until you realize that it
won't actually *CREATE* or *FIX* a disklabel - it rolls over and 
refuses to work if you either never had a disklabel or it somehow
got smashed.  Given that your disklabel got smashed (and hopefully
nothing else), and that you are prepared with paper and electronic copies
of the fdisk and disklabel before the damage, how do you fix it?
disklabel -R is an obvious choice, but if there isn't a valid disklabel
already there, it doesn't seem to work.

						Gordon L. Burditt