*BSD News Article 68385

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From: chang@sns.com.sg (S.T.Chang)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Booting from Iomega Zip
Date: 13 May 1996 03:42:43 GMT
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4n6b3j$2okk@sheraton.asianconnect.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: narwhal.sns.com.sg
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	Does anyone out there have any experience booting up from
an Iomega Zip drive, via a boot floppy.

	My setup up was a follows:
		fd0 - 1.44MB floppying
		wd0 - 400MB ide
		wd1 - 2GB ide
		wd2 - 500MB ide
		sd0 - 500MB scsi (scsi id 0)
		sd1 - Iomega Zip (scsi id 5)

		Pentiume 166 Triton 460FX PCI
                NCR XXX810 PCI SCSI
		FreeBSD 2.0.5

	I managed to install FreeBSD on the Zip drive. After installation
completed, I booted up the system using the boot floppy. At the boot
prompt, I typed in hd(4,a)/kernel, the system managed to load the
kernel from the Zip drive. When the system started to initialize, it
panic at mounting root device. Saying unable to mount root on
sd0, which is strange, it should be looking at sd1.

	Is there anything I did wrong, or as a matter of fact that
FreeBSD 2.0.5 does not boot from Iomega Zip? Please help.

	Thanks in advance.
