*BSD News Article 68445

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From: zeno@serv.net (Sean T. Lamont)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux vs. FreeBSD ...
Date: 13 May 1996 14:13:02 -0700
Organization: ServNet Internet Services, Seattle, WA
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4n88ku$m48@itchy.serv.net>
References: <3188C1E2.45AE@onramp.net> <4mnsc5$6qo@sundial.sundial.net> <3191ADA0.41C67EA6@sprynet.com> <3196830F.275A@mts.se>
NNTP-Posting-Host: itchy.serv.net

In article <3196830F.275A@mts.se>, Martin Nisshagen  <martin@mts.se> wrote:
 >MS doesn't have any such holey mission. They only wants to make as
 >much money as possible, selling software that they think their target
 >customers wants. I can assure you that even MS knows that Unix, and
 >many other OSes, always will continue to exist regardless how much
 >advertising they will do. And I can also assure you that users of
 >free OSes (like FreeBSD, Linux etc) is *not* MS target as they wouldn't
 >like to give their products away for free, and much less the source
 >code of them. NT only competes agianst some commercial Unix developers
 >(like SCO and Sun), but only is some limited applications. Even in some
 >of those cases NT isn't able to replace Unix as it still lacks many
 >important concepts to do so (like native multiuser support etc).

Personally, I'd still be using FreeBSD even if it were priced in, say,
the range of BSDI OS, so long as it had all those other features such
as kernel sources.

Sean T. Lamont, President / CEO, Abstract Software (ServNet)  
- Internet access * WWW hosting * TCP/IP * UNIX * NEXTSTEP * WWW Development -
email: lamont@abstractsoft.com              WWW:  http://www.serv.net
"...There's no moral, it's just a lot of stuff that happens". - H. Simpson