*BSD News Article 68582

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From: joeg@truenorth.org (Josef Grosch)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce
Subject: Semimonthly Software list for FreeBSD
Supersedes: <96051501000-joeg@truenorth.org-bsd.ann>
Followup-To: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce
Date: 15 May 1996 11:03:17 -0500
Organization: True North Systems, Inc.
Lines: 2246
Sender: joeg@psycfrnd.interaccess.com
Approved: joeg@truenorth.org
Expires: 5 Jun 1996 11:03:15 CDT
Message-ID: <96051511031-joeg@truenorth.org-bsd.ann>
NNTP-Posting-Host: psycfrnd.interaccess.com


               0.  Introduction to FreeBSD Ported List

Last Modified: $Date: 1996/01/03 03:33:25 $ GMT

This is an announcement for FreeBSD users. It provides a list of
software ported to FreeBSD. This list is divided into three sections
and it will be posted twice a month (1st and 15th).  This list is kept
mostly up to date by a regular check of the INDEX file at
freebsd.cdrom.com. I assume that the INDEX file is correct.

If you find an error please send me email. Also If you have ported a
piece of code over to FreeBSD please email me and the rest of the
FreeBSD community by either posting the appropiate newsgroup and/or by
email to the appropiate list server.

The first section shows a list of ported software & binary packages
which can be obtained from freebsd.cdrom.com or one of the mirror
sites. These ports are know to run on the current release of FreeBSD,
which is 2.1.0R. Wether a certain port will run on an early release of
FreeBSD or any of BSD dirived system such as NetBSD or SunOS is
unknow.  If something's changed please don't hesitate to mail me and
tell me what has been changed.

The second section is a software list from other UNIX communities
(e.g. Linux and others) which can be ported very easily so there's no
need for a real port and we can save disk space. It's also the place
for miscellanous stuff like binary packages & other things on
different places.  That means you, the *BSD community, have to check
which programs and sources can be installed without any problems so
that they don't need to be added to the packages directories.  If you
find any useful software which doesn't appear in this list, please
send me a mail with the following form:

Subject: Software list for *BSD

category:server(inetnum):path/program:description [changes]

E.g. category is communication or diskutils etc., server and inetnum
is the address of the FTP-server, path/program is the path and the
name of the program where to find this application, description could
be some short statements and optional minimal changes (inetnum is also
optional). By the way: please add a comment on which system you tested
the software (FreeBSD or NetBSD & Version)!

The third section is a commercial software list.  If you want to
provide Software for the commercial section please send me a mail with
the following form:

Subject: Software list for *BSD (commercial)

productname:company:Tel/Fax:address:description [email/ftp]

The entry email/ftp is optional if the company offers information via
mail- or ftp-server.

We won't list prices here. For pricing information please contact the
company. While you are at it, mention that you are going to use their
product on FreeBSD and that you found out about their product from
this list. 

If you would like to change something or if you have any suggestions
or proposals feel free to write me at 

*NOTE* I have changed my access provider so please use my new email
address. The old address will work for a few more months but for
reliable mail use the new address.


Josef Elijah Aaron Grosch

Your comments are welcome.

$Id: bsd_pt1.txt,v 1.2 1996/01/03 03:33:25 joeg Exp $
     I. Packages & ported software for FreeBSD (& maybe NetBSD ?)

You can find these ported programs (sources) as subtree at:


Please go to the mirror site closest to you. The Mother site is really
taking a beating.

Subdirectory archivers
Package: arc-5.21e 
    Version: arc-5.21e 
    Comment: arc - create & extract files from DOS .ARC files 

Package: sharutils-4.1.4 
    Version: sharutils-4.1.4 
    Comment: Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives, v4.1.4 

Package: ha-0.999b 
    Version: ha-0.999b 
    Comment: ha - the HA archiver using the HSC compression method, version

Package: lha-1.01u 
    Version: lha-1.01u 
    Comment: LHA - version 101u. Compress/uncompress files using LZW
        compression (.lzh files)

Package: unarj-2.41 
    Version: unarj-2.41 
    Comment: unarj version 2.41 - allows files to be extracted from ARJ

Package: unrar-1.01 
    Version: unrar-1.01 
    Comment: unrar - version 1.01. extract, view & test RAR archives. 

Package: unzip-5.12 
    Version: unzip-5.12 
    Comment: unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP
        archive. Version 5.12

Package: zip-2.0.1 
    Version: zip-2.0.1 
    Comment: zip v 2.01. Create/update ZIP files which are compatabile with
        pkzip v2.04g

Package: zoo-2.10.1 
    Version: zoo-2.10.1 
    Comment: zoo - manipulate archives of files in compressed form. Version

Subdirectory audio
Package: gsm-1.0.7 
    Version: gsm-1.0.7 
    Comment: gsm - audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm

Package: maplay-1.2 
    Version: maplay-1.2 
    Comment: maplay, an MPEG audio player/decoder that decodes layer I and
        layer II MPEG audio streams

Package: nas-1.2.1 
    Version: nas-1.2.1 
    Comment: nas - Network Audio System version 1.2 patchlevel 1 

Package: playmidi-1.1 
    Version: playmidi-1.1 
    Comment: Playmidi 1.1 - MIDI player 

Subdirectory audio networking
Package: radio-2.0.4 
    Version: radio-2.0.4 
    Comment: Radio-2.0.4, radio over internet 

Subdirectory audio
Package: rplay-3.2.0b3 
    Version: rplay-3.2.0b3 
    Comment: rplay - Network audio player version 3.2.0b3 

Package: rsynth-2.0 
    Version: rsynth-2.0 
    Comment: rsynth - speech synthisizer, Version 2.0. 

Package: s3mod-1.08a 
    Version: s3mod-1.08a 
    Comment: s3mod v1.05 - MOD/S3M player 

Package: sox-10.11 
    Version: sox-10.11 
    Comment: sox - SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator 

Package: tracker-4.43 
    Version: tracker-4.43 
    Comment: Tracker 4.43 - MOD player 

Package: xcd-1.1 
    Version: xcd-1.1 
    Comment: xcd - a Tcl/Tk CD player 

Package: xcdplayer-2.2 
    Version: xcdplayer-2.2 
    Comment: XCdplayer 2.2 

Package: xmix-2.1 
    Version: xmix-2.1 
    Comment: xmix-2.1, mixer for X windows 

Subdirectory benchmarking
Package: bonnie-1.0 
    Version: bonnie-1.0 
    Comment: BONNIE: Performance Test of Filesystem I/O 

Package: iozone-2.01 
    Version: iozone-2.01 
    Comment: IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O  --  V2.01 

Package: lmbench-1.0 
    Version: lmbench-1.0 
    Comment: A system performance measurement tool 

Subdirectory networking benchmarking
Package: tcpblast-1.0 
    Version: tcpblast-1.0 
    Comment: This is the TCPBLAST program. 

Subdirectory cad
Package: acs-0.16 
    Version: acs-0.16 
    Comment: ACS is a general purpose circuit simulator. 

Package: chipmunk-5.10 
    Version: chipmunk-5.10 
    Comment: chipmunk-5.10, an electronic CAD system 

Package: irsim-9.2 
    Version: irsim-9.2 
    Comment: IRSIM 9.2 

Package: magic-6.4.4 
    Version: magic-6.4.4 
    Comment: Magic CAD Tool 6.4.4 

Package: pcb-1.2.3 
    Version: pcb-1.2.3 
    Comment: This is the Pcb Vers 1.2 

Subdirectory comms
Package: ecu-3.34b 
    Version: ecu-3.34b 
    Comment: Extended Call Utility version 3.34beta 

Package: hylafax-3.0.1 
    Version: hylafax-3.0.1 
    Comment: hylafax, the fax software, version 3.0 pl0 

Package: kermit-5a.190 
    Version: kermit-5a.190 
    Comment: KERMIT file transfer protocol utility version 5A edit 189

Package: mgetty-0.22 
    Version: mgetty-0.22 
    Comment: Handle external logins, send and receive faxes. 

Package: rzsz-3.36 
    Version: rzsz-3.36 
    Comment: Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol, v3.36 

Subdirectory comms x11
Package: seyon-2.14b 
    Version: seyon-2.14b 
    Comment: The Seyon communications package for the X Window system,
        version 2.14c

Subdirectory databases
Package: sm-3.1 
    Version: sm-3.1 
    Comment: Exodus Storage Manager 3.1 - Low level storage manager 

Subdirectory development
Package: gnats-3.2 
    Version: gnats-3.2 
    Comment: FSF gnats bug tracking system v3.2 

Subdirectory databases
Package: msql-1.0.7 
    Version: msql-1.0.7 
    Comment: msql version 1.0.7 - Mini SQL Database 

Subdirectory development programming
Package: autoconf-2.4 
    Version: autoconf-2.4 
    Comment: autoconf-2.4, produce shell scripts to automatically configure
        source code

Subdirectory development programming languages
Package: bcc-95.3.12 
    Version: bcc-95.3.12 
    Comment: Bruce's C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code 

Subdirectory development programming
Package: bison-1.24 
    Version: bison-1.24 
    Comment: bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement) 

Subdirectory development
Package: cflow-2.0 
    Version: cflow-2.0 
    Comment: cflow 2.0 - A call graph generator for C code. 

Subdirectory development programming
Package: dmake-4.0 
    Version: dmake-4.0 
    Comment: dmake 4.0 - Another hyper make utility 

Package: gmake-3.74 
    Version: gmake-3.74 
    Comment: GNU make 3.74 

Subdirectory development
Package: gperf-2.1a 
    Version: gperf-2.1a 
    Comment: gperf 2.1a - A perfect hash function generator for C and C++. 

Subdirectory development programming libraries
Package: dlmalloc-2.5.3b 
    Version: dlmalloc-2.5.3b 
    Comment: Small, fast malloc library by Doug Lea, version 2.5.3b. 

Subdirectory development programming
Package: m4-1.4 
    Version: m4-1.4 
    Comment: This is Gnu's m4 Vers. 1.4 

Package: mprof-3.0 
    Version: mprof-3.0 
    Comment: Memory Profiler and Leak Detector, version 3.0 

Subdirectory development documentation
Package: noweb-2.7a 
    Version: noweb-2.7a 
    Comment: A simple, extensible lilterate-programming tool. 

Subdirectory networking
Package: weblint-1.011 
    Version: weblint-1.011 
    Comment: HTML validator and sanity checker 

Subdirectory development programming
Package: xxgdb-1.11 
    Version: xxgdb-1.11 
    Comment: An X window interface for gdb 

Subdirectory editors
Package: aXe-6.1.2 
    Version: aXe-6.1.2 
    Comment: aXe-6.1.2 - aXe version 6.1.2 

Package: e93-1.2.5 
    Version: e93-1.2.5 
    Comment: A nifty editor based on Tcl/Tk 

Package: emacs-19.29 
    Version: emacs-19.29 
    Comment: GNU Emacs 19.29 text editor. 

Package: jove-4.16b 
    Version: jove-4.16b 
    Comment: This is the JOVE text editor, version 4.14.6. 

Package: mule-2.3 
    Version: mule-2.3 
    Comment: A multilingual emacs 

Subdirectory networking editors
Package: tkHTML-2.3 
    Version: tkHTML-2.3 
    Comment: A Tk based HTML editor 

Subdirectory editors
Package: uemacs-3.12 
    Version: uemacs-3.12 
    Comment: A full screen editor. 

Package: uzap-1.0 
    Version: uzap-1.0 
    Comment: Visual binary file editor 

Package: vile-5.2 
    Version: vile-5.2 
    Comment: vile - VI Like Emacs.  a vi "workalike", with many additional

Package: xcoral-2.4 
    Version: xcoral-2.4 
    Comment: A multiwindow mouse-based text editor for X. 

Package: xemacs-19.13 
    Version: xemacs-19.13 
    Comment: XEmacs 19.13 text editor binaries 

Package: xvile-5.2 
    Version: xvile-5.2 
    Comment: xvile - VI Like Emacs, X11 version -- a fully "X aware" vi

Subdirectory emulation
Package: cpmemu-0.2 
    Version: cpmemu-0.2 
    Comment: Cpm emulator version 0.2 

Package: cpmtools-1.1 
    Version: cpmtools-1.1 
    Comment: Utility to transfer files from/to CP/M (R) diskettes. 

Package: hfs-0.37 
    Version: hfs-0.37 
    Comment: Read Macintosh HFS floppy disks, hard drives and CDROMs. 

Package: linux_lib-1.0 
    Version: linux_lib-1.0 
    Comment: These are the libraries necessary for linux compat 

Package: mtools-2.0.7 
    Version: mtools-2.0.7 
    Comment: A collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files. 

Package: pcemu-1.01a 
    Version: pcemu-1.01a 
    Comment: An 8086 PC emulator, by By David Hedley 

Package: sim6811-1.6 
    Version: sim6811-1.6 
    Comment: A Motorola 6811 simulator. 

Subdirectory x11
Package: tkhfs-2.4 
    Version: tkhfs-2.4 
    Comment: tkhfs - a Tcl/Tk front end to the hfs program.  

Subdirectory emulation sysutils
Package: vmsbackup-3.0 
    Version: vmsbackup-3.0 
    Comment: VMSBACKUP reads VMS BACKUP tapes. 

Subdirectory emulation x11
Package: wine-95.11.05 
    Version: wine-95.11.05 
    Comment: wine - MS-Windows 3.1 emulator for Unix (Alpha release) 

Subdirectory games
Package: acm-2.0 
    Version: acm-2.0 
    Comment: A flight simulator for X11 

Package: astrolog-5.0 
    Version: astrolog-5.0 
    Comment: An astrology program for X and ascii, version 5.0 

Package: golddig-2.0 
    Version: golddig-2.0 
    Comment: golddig - Getting the Gold and Avoiding Death 

Package: jetpack-1.0 
    Version: jetpack-1.0 
    Comment: jetpack: Arcade action game for X Windows 

Package: nethack-3.1.3 
    Version: nethack-3.1.3 
    Comment: A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game 

Package: oneko-1.1b 
    Version: oneko-1.1b 
    Comment: A cat chasing a mouse all over the screen 

Package: spider-1.1 
    Version: spider-1.1 
    Comment: A challenging double decked solitaire game 

Package: tksol-1.0 
    Version: tksol-1.0 
    Comment: TkSol is a version of the card game solitaire. 

Package: xasteroids-5.0 
    Version: xasteroids-5.0 
    Comment: X windows based asteroids style arcade game 

Package: xbill-1.1 
    Version: xbill-1.1 
    Comment: Save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill 

Package: xboard-3.2.0 
    Version: xboard-3.2.0 
    Comment: xboard, X user interface for GNU Chess and the Internet Chess

Package: xboing-2.3 
    Version: xboing-2.3 
    Comment: xboing - X windows arcade game.  Version 2.3 

Package: xchomp-pl1 
    Version: xchomp-pl1 
    Comment: Pac-man-like game under X Windows 

Package: xemeraldia-0.3 
    Version: xemeraldia-0.3 
    Comment: A game of breaking blocks 

Subdirectory games x11
Package: xevil-1.4 
    Version: xevil-1.4 
    Comment: A side-view, fast-action, kill everything type of game.  

Subdirectory games
Package: xgalaga-1.6 
    Version: xgalaga-1.6 
    Comment: Galaga resurrected on X 

Package: xinvaders-1.1 
    Version: xinvaders-1.1 
    Comment: Shoot-em-up them nasty little bugs. 

Package: xjewel-1.6 
    Version: xjewel-1.6 
    Comment: xjewel - X windows droping jewels game.  Version 1.6 

Package: xkobo-1.3 
    Version: xkobo-1.3 
    Comment: Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X.  Strangely

Package: xlife-3.0 
    Version: xlife-3.0 
    Comment: John Horton Conway's Game of Life 

Package: xmille-2.0 
    Version: xmille-2.0 
    Comment: X window mille bourne game 

Package: xmine-1.0.3 
    Version: xmine-1.0.3 
    Comment: The `Athena' port of the xminesweeper game 

Package: xminesweep-3.0 
    Version: xminesweep-3.0 
    Comment: xminesweep - X windows minesweeper game.  Version 3.0 

Package: xmj-1.0 
    Version: xmj-1.0 
    Comment: Mahjongg 

Package: xmris-4.02 
    Version: xmris-4.02 
    Comment: A version of the Mr Do video arcade game for X11. 

Package: xonix-1.4 
    Version: xonix-1.4 
    Comment: Try to win land without colliding with `flyers' and `eaters'. 

Package: xpacman-1.0 
    Version: xpacman-1.0 
    Comment: Pacman is an old action game. 

Package: xpilot-3.3.1 
    Version: xpilot-3.3.1 
    Comment: xpilot(client) and xpilots(server) version 3.3.1 

Package: xpipeman-1.0 
    Version: xpipeman-1.0 
    Comment: xpipeman - connect the pipes to stop the leaks 

Package: xrisk-2.13 
    Version: xrisk-2.13 
    Comment: Xrisk version 2.13 for X Windows, much like the poular board

Package: xrobots-1.0 
    Version: xrobots-1.0 
    Comment: xrobots - fight off villainous robots (X Windows) 

Package: xsol-2.1.1 
    Version: xsol-2.1.1 
    Comment: xsol - solitare 

Package: xtetris-2.5.2 
    Version: xtetris-2.5.2 
    Comment: Xtetris is a X Window block dropping game. 

Package: xtic-1.12 
    Version: xtic-1.12 
    Comment: An X version of a simple but tricky board game 

Subdirectory graphics
Package: ImageMagick-3.6.2 
    Version: ImageMagick-3.6.2 
    Comment: ImageMagick is an X11 package for display and interactive
        manipulation of images.

Package: aero-1.5.2 
    Version: aero-1.5.2 
    Comment: An X11 based modeler for povray 

Package: pdore-6.0 
    Version: pdore-6.0 
    Comment: Dore - The Dynamic Object Rendering Environment 

Package: jpeg-6 
    Version: jpeg-6 
    Comment: IJG's jpeg compresion utilities version 6 

Package: mpeg_lib-1.1 
    Version: mpeg_lib-1.1 
    Comment: MPEG Library - a collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies 

Package: mpeg_play-2.0 
    Version: mpeg_play-2.0 
    Comment: A program to play mpeg movies on X displays 

Package: netpbm-94.3.1 
    Version: netpbm-94.3.1 
    Comment: A toolkit for conversion of images between different formats 

Package: pixmap-2.6 
    Version: pixmap-2.6 
    Comment: Pixmap is a pixmap editor based on XPM library 

Package: povray-2.2 
    Version: povray-2.2 
    Comment: POV-Ray 2.2 Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer 

Package: spigot-1.6 
    Version: spigot-1.6 
    Comment: spigot (Video spigot for Windows) library 

Package: tiff-3.3 
    Version: tiff-3.3 
    Comment: Libtiff v3.3 is a library for reading and writing TIFF data files 

Package: vcg-1.30 
    Version: vcg-1.30 
    Comment: A Visualization Tool for compiler graphs 

Subdirectory graphics x11
Package: xanim-2.70.1 
    Version: xanim-2.70.1 
    Comment: XAnim 2.70.1 - play most popular animation formats 

Subdirectory graphics
Package: xbmbrowser-5.1 
    Version: xbmbrowser-5.1 
    Comment: View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps. 

Subdirectory graphics x11
Package: xdl-2.1 
    Version: xdl-2.1 
    Comment: Display DL animations on an X screen 

Package: xfig-3.1.4 
    Version: xfig-3.1.4 
    Comment: A drawing program for X11 

Subdirectory graphics
Package: xfractint-3.00 
    Version: xfractint-3.00 
    Comment: Xfractint-3.00 - The Unix port of fractint. 

Subdirectory graphics x11
Package: xgrasp-1.7d 
    Version: xgrasp-1.7d 
    Comment: Display GL animations on X screen 

Package: xli-1.16 
    Version: xli-1.16 
    Comment: xli, xsetbg, xview, xlito (ver 1.16) - utilities to display
        images on X11

Package: xpaint-2.1.1 
    Version: xpaint-2.1.1 
    Comment: XPaint is a simple paint program. 

Package: xpm-3.4f 
    Version: xpm-3.4f 
    Comment: xpm-3.4f - version 3.4f of the X Pixmap library 

Package: xv-3.10a 
    Version: xv-3.10a 
    Comment: XV 3.10, an X11 program that displays images of various formats 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: Canna-3.2.2 
    Version: Canna-3.2.2 
    Comment: Kana-Kanji conversion system 

Package: Wnn-4.2 
    Version: Wnn-4.2 
    Comment: A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (only Japanese built) 

Subdirectory japanese networking
Package: jp-chimera-1.65 
    Version: jp-chimera-1.65 
    Comment: X/Athena World-Wide Web client + kanji patch 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: jp-elvis-1.8.4 
    Version: jp-elvis-1.8.4 
    Comment: elvis - a clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor. Version

Package: jp-gawk-2.15.6 
    Version: jp-gawk-2.15.6 
    Comment: GNU awk version 2.15.6 + multi-byte extension 1.04 

Subdirectory japanese printing
Package: jp-ghostscript- 
    Version: jp-ghostscript- 
    Comment: GNU Postscript interpreter + Japanese patch. 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: jp-grep-2.0 
    Version: jp-grep-2.0 
    Comment: GNU grep version 2.0 + multi-byte extension 1.04 

Subdirectory japanese printing
Package: jp-groff-0.98 
    Version: jp-groff-0.98 
    Comment: Japanese enhancement of GNU groff 

Package: jp-gxditview-0.98 
    Version: jp-gxditview-0.98 
    Comment: Japanized GNU's modified xditview 

Subdirectory japanese x11
Package: jp-ckinput2-2.0.1 
    Version: jp-ckinput2-2.0.1 
    Comment: An input server of Japanese text (Canna version) 

Package: jp-kinput2-2.0.1 
    Version: jp-kinput2-2.0.1 
    Comment: An input server of Japanese text (Canna+Wnn version) 

Package: jp-wkinput2-2.0.1 
    Version: jp-wkinput2-2.0.1 
    Comment: An input server of Japanese text (Wnn version) 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: kon-0994e 
    Version: kon-0994e 
    Comment: kon 0994e + FreeBSD patch - kanji console 

Subdirectory japanese x11
Package: kterm-6.1.0 
    Version: kterm-6.1.0 
    Comment: An xterm that speaks Japanese 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: jp-less-290 
    Version: jp-less-290 
    Comment: less 290 + zcat + ISO-2022 - a pager similar to more and pg 

Subdirectory japanese mail
Package: jp-mh-6.8.3 
    Version: jp-mh-6.8.3 
    Comment: Rand MH mail handling system + Japanese patches 

Subdirectory japanese editors
Package: jp-cmule-2.3 
    Version: jp-cmule-2.3 
    Comment: A multilingual emacs, with Canna support built in 

Package: jp-wmule-2.3 
    Version: jp-wmule-2.3 
    Comment: A multilingual emacs, with Wnn support built in 

Subdirectory japanese games
Package: jp-nethack-1.0.3 
    Version: jp-nethack-1.0.3 
    Comment: A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game 

Subdirectory japanese networking x11
Package: jp-netscape-2.0b2 
    Version: jp-netscape-2.0b2 
    Comment: Display Japanese using netscape version 2 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: nkf-1.5.1 
    Version: nkf-1.5.1 
    Comment: Network Kanji code conversion Filter 

Subdirectory japanese printing
Package: jp-platex2e-95.09 
    Version: jp-platex2e-95.09 
    Comment: ASCII Japanese LaTeX 

Package: jp-ptex- 
    Version: jp-ptex- 
    Comment: ptex-2.99 j1.7 p1.0.9F, ASCII Japanese publishing TeX 

Package: jp-ptex-2.1.1 
    Version: jp-ptex-2.1.1 
    Comment: ptex-3.1415, p2.1.1, ASCII Japanes TeX 

Subdirectory japanese
Package: jp-sed-1.18 
    Version: jp-sed-1.18 
    Comment: GNU sed version 1.18 + multi-byte extension 1.03 

Subdirectory japanese languages
Package: jp-tcl-7.3 
    Version: jp-tcl-7.3 
    Comment: TCL (Tool Command Language), Japanese version (with shared

Subdirectory japanese x11
Package: jp-tk-3.6 
    Version: jp-tk-3.6 
    Comment: TK (Tcl Tool Kit), Japanese version (with shared libs) 

Subdirectory japanese printing
Package: jp-xdvi-17 
    Version: jp-xdvi-17 
    Comment: xdvi, a DVI Previewer for the X Window System. Patchlevel 17 +
        Japanese patch

Subdirectory languages
Package: gofer-2.30a 
    Version: gofer-2.30a 
    Comment: gofer - a lazy functional language 

Package: STk-2.1.7 
    Version: STk-2.1.7 
    Comment: STk is a scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk
        graphical package.

Package: Sather-1.0.5 
    Version: Sather-1.0.5 
    Comment: ** No Description 

Package: bwbasic-2.10 
    Version: bwbasic-2.10 
    Comment: The Bywater Basic interpreter, version 2.10 

Package: eiffel-13a 
    Version: eiffel-13a 
    Comment: A compiler for the object-oriented language Eiffel 

Package: elk-3.0 
    Version: elk-3.0 
    Comment: Elk -- an embeddable Scheme interpreter 

Package: pfe-0.9.9 
    Version: pfe-0.9.9 
    Comment: forth - Implementation of ANSI Forth. Version 0.9.9 

Subdirectory languages math
Package: g77-0.5.15 
    Version: g77-0.5.15 
    Comment: g77 - The GNU Fortran 77 compiler. Version 0.5.15. 

Subdirectory languages
Package: gcl-2.0 
    Version: gcl-2.0 
    Comment: gcl - GNU Common Lisp 

Package: guile-iii 
    Version: guile-iii 
    Comment: The GNU extension language. 

Package: icon-9.0 
    Version: icon-9.0 
    Comment: Version 9.0 of the Icon programming language. 

Package: itcl-1.5 
    Version: itcl-1.5 
    Comment: [incr Tcl] (A.K.A. ``itcl'') version 1.5 (with shared libs) 

Package: ucblogo-3.3 
    Version: ucblogo-3.3 
    Comment: ucblogo - Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter. 

Package: mit-scheme-7.3 
    Version: mit-scheme-7.3 
    Comment: MIT Scheme version 7.3: includes runtime, compiler, and edwin

Package: p2c-1.21a 
    Version: p2c-1.21a 
    Comment: p2c - Pascal to C translator, version 1.21alpha-07.Dec.93 

Subdirectory languages development programming x11
Package: pTk-b8 
    Version: pTk-b8 
    Comment: A perl interface to Tk 4.0 

Subdirectory languages
Package: pbasic-2.0 
    Version: pbasic-2.0 
    Comment: Phil Cockroft's Basic Interpreter (previously Rabbit Basic) 

Subdirectory languages development programming
Package: perl-5.001 
    Version: perl-5.001 
    Comment: PERL (Pattern Extraction and Recognition Language) - version

Subdirectory languages
Package: python-1.2 
    Version: python-1.2 
    Comment: An interpreted object-oriented programming language. 

Package: scheme48-0.36 
    Version: scheme48-0.36 
    Comment: Scheme 48 is the Scheme Underground's implementation of R4RS. 

Package: schemetoc-93.3.15 
    Version: schemetoc-93.3.15 
    Comment: Scheme-to-C, a compiler and interpreter for compiling scheme
        into C.

Package: scm-4e1 
    Version: scm-4e1 
    Comment: Scm - a scheme interpreter 

Package: smalltalk-1.1.1 
    Version: smalltalk-1.1.1 
    Comment: GNU Smalltalk version 1.1.1 

Package: tcl-7.3 
    Version: tcl-7.3 
    Comment: TCL (Tool Command Language), version 7.3 (with shared libs) 

Package: tcl-7.4.2 
    Version: tcl-7.4.2 
    Comment: TCL (Tool Command Language), version 7.4p2 

Package: tclX-7.3b 
    Version: tclX-7.3b 
    Comment: Extended TCL version 7.3b 

Subdirectory mail
Package: elm-2.4m8a 
    Version: elm-2.4m8a 
    Comment: ELM Mail User Agent, v2.4pl24 ME8a 

Package: mm-2.7 
    Version: mm-2.7 
    Comment: Metamail - implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet
        Mail Extensions

Package: mh-6.8.3 
    Version: mh-6.8.3 
    Comment: Rand MH mail handling sys 

Subdirectory mail news utilities
Package: mpack-1.5 
    Version: mpack-1.5 
    Comment: External MIME packer/unpacker, v1.5 

Subdirectory mail
Package: pgpsendmail-1.4 
    Version: pgpsendmail-1.4 
    Comment: PGPsendmail v1.4 -- PGP sign/encrypt/decrypt messages

Package: pine-3.91 
    Version: pine-3.91 
    Comment: Pine 3.91 - Program for Internet News and E-mail 

Package: popclient-2.21 
    Version: popclient-2.21 
    Comment: popclient-2.21, popclient for pop2 and pop3 

Package: qpop- 
    Version: qpop- 
    Comment: Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm) version

Package: procmail-3.11.3 
    Version: procmail-3.11.3 
    Comment: ProcMail local mail delivery agent, version 3.11pre3 

Package: smail- 
    Version: smail- 
    Comment: This is Smail 3.1.29, a program used for receiving and
        delivering mail.

Subdirectory mail x11
Package: xfmail-0.3b 
    Version: xfmail-0.3b 
    Comment: XF-Mail is X-Windows application for receiving electronic mail 

Subdirectory math
Package: blas-1.0 
    Version: blas-1.0 
    Comment: BLAS level 1, 2, and 3 (Basic Linear Algebra) 

Package: calc-2.9.3 
    Version: calc-2.9.3 
    Comment: calc - arbitrary precision calculator.  Version 2.9.3t6 

Package: eispack-1.0 
    Version: eispack-1.0 
    Comment: Eispack, Eigenvalue system package. 

Package: Fudgit-2.41 
    Version: Fudgit-2.41 
    Comment: Multi-purpose data-processing and fitting program. 

Package: gmp-1.3.2 
    Version: gmp-1.3.2 
    Comment: GNU MP, a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic. 

Subdirectory math graphics
Package: gnuplot-3.5 
    Version: gnuplot-3.5 
    Comment: A command-driven interactive function plotting program. 

Subdirectory math
Package: hexcalc-1.11 
    Version: hexcalc-1.11 
    Comment: A multi-radix calculator for x11 

Package: linpack-1.0 
    Version: linpack-1.0 
    Comment: Linpack, Linear Algebra package. 

Package: octave-1.1.1 
    Version: octave-1.1.1 
    Comment: High-level interactive language for numerical computations. 

Subdirectory math applications
Package: oleo-1.6 
    Version: oleo-1.6 
    Comment: Oleo is a Spreadsheet Program, version 1.6 

Subdirectory math printing
Package: xgraph-11.3.2 
    Version: xgraph-11.3.2 
    Comment: A program that helps you plot graphs 

Subdirectory math languages
Package: xlispstat-3.44 
    Version: xlispstat-3.44 
    Comment: A statistics/X11 based lisp interpreter. 

Subdirectory math
Package: xspread-2.1 
    Version: xspread-2.1 
    Comment: xspread-2.1, a spreadsheet program under X 

Subdirectory networking
Package: apache-0.8.14 
    Version: apache-0.8.14 
    Comment: http server based on NCSA httpd 1.3 with many enhancements 

Package: archie-1.4.1 
    Version: archie-1.4.1 
    Comment: archie - prospero client for the archie service 

Package: cern_httpd-3.0 
    Version: cern_httpd-3.0 
    Comment: HTTPD (WWW) server from Cern (version 3.0) 

Package: cern_linemode-3.0 
    Version: cern_linemode-3.0 
    Comment: WWW LineMode Browser from Cern (version 3.0) 

Package: chimera-1.65 
    Version: chimera-1.65 
    Comment: X/Athena World-Wide Web client 

Subdirectory networking languages
Package: dgd- 
    Version: dgd- 
    Comment: Dworkin's Generic Driver (network server) 

Subdirectory networking development games
Package: dgd-lpmud-2.4.5 
    Version: dgd-lpmud-2.4.5 
    Comment: LPmud 2.4.5 mudlib, for use with DGD 

Subdirectory networking
Package: bsddip-1.02 
    Version: bsddip-1.02 
    Comment: Dialup IP program 

Package: fspclient.0.0.h 
    Version: fspclient.0.0.h 
    Comment: fspclient - a client for the fsp service 

Package: gated-3.5a11 
    Version: gated-3.5a11 
    Comment: GateD routing protocol daemon (version 3.5 Alpha 11) 

Package: gn-2.23 
    Version: gn-2.23 
    Comment: GN gopher and http server 

Package: gopher-2.1.3 
    Version: gopher-2.1.3 
    Comment: gopher - client and server for access to a distributed
        document service.

Package: imm-3.3 
    Version: imm-3.3 
    Comment: IMM - Internet Image Multicaster (and receiver) 

Package: irc-2.8.21 
    Version: irc-2.8.21 
    Comment: ircd, the 'Internet Relay Chat' Server. Version 2.8.21 

Package: ircii-2.8.2 
    Version: ircii-2.8.2 
    Comment: ircII, the 'Internet Relay Chat' Client, Version 2.8.2 

Package: lynx-2.4.2 
    Version: lynx-2.4.2 
    Comment: lynx - A text/ascii oriented World-Wide Web Client. Version
        2.4.2 BETA

Package: mirror-2.3 
    Version: mirror-2.3 
    Comment: mirror - mirror packages on remote sites 

Package: moxftp-2.2 
    Version: moxftp-2.2 
    Comment: Xftp ftp shell under X windows v 2.2 

Package: ncftp-2.2.1 
    Version: ncftp-2.2.1 
    Comment: NcFTP 2.2.1 -- FTP replacement with advanced user interface 

Package: netscape-1.12 
    Version: netscape-1.12 
    Comment: netscape-1 web-surfboard 

Package: netscape-2.0b2 
    Version: netscape-2.0b2 
    Comment: netscape-2 web-surfboard 

Package: nv-3.3b 
    Version: nv-3.3b 
    Comment: NV (MBONE video tool), version 3.3beta 

Package: pcnfsd-93.02.16 
    Version: pcnfsd-93.02.16 
    Comment: pcnfsd(8) - Sun PC NFS authentication and printing server as
        of 93.02.16

Package: pmf-1.13.1 
    Version: pmf-1.13.1 
    Comment: PMF (Padrone's Mud Frontend), version 1.13.1 

Package: rdist-6.1.0 
    Version: rdist-6.1.0 
    Comment: rdist 6.1.0 - A network file distribution utility. 

Package: rmsg-1.64 
    Version: rmsg-1.64 
    Comment: rmsg - a network messaging system, version 1.64 

Package: samba-1.9.14 
    Version: samba-1.9.14 
    Comment: A LanManager(R)-compatible server suite for Unix 

Package: scotty-1.2.0 
    Version: scotty-1.2.0 
    Comment: scotty - network management extensions to tcl v1.2.0, patched
        to v1.2.2

Package: slirp-0.95f 
    Version: slirp-0.95f 
    Comment: SLiRP is a SLIP/CSLIP emulator for users with shell accounts,
        ver 0.95f

Package: sup-2.0 
    Version: sup-2.0 
    Comment: This is CMU's Software Update Protocol package 

Package: tcl-dp-3.2 
    Version: tcl-dp-3.2 
    Comment: tcl-dp - distributed processing extensions for tcl and Tk 

Subdirectory networking games
Package: tintin-1.5.6 
    Version: tintin-1.5.6 
    Comment: TINTIN++ v1.5pl6 is a client program to help playing muds. 

Subdirectory networking
Package: tkWWW-0.12 
    Version: tkWWW-0.12 
    Comment: tkWWW version 0.12, a WWW client based on Tcl/Tk. 

Package: tkined-1.2.0 
    Version: tkined-1.2.0 
    Comment: tkined - a tk based network editor v 1.2.0, patched to v1.2.2 

Package: vic-2.6 
    Version: vic-2.6 
    Comment: vic (MBONE video tool), version 2.6 

Package: wn-1.11 
    Version: wn-1.11 
    Comment: WN is a great http server 

Package: wu-ftpd-2.4 
    Version: wu-ftpd-2.4 
    Comment: wu-ftpd is a replacement ftp server for Un*x systems. 

Package: wwwish-1.0 
    Version: wwwish-1.0 
    Comment: A Tk interpreter with WWW abilities 

Package: xarchie-2.0.10 
    Version: xarchie-2.0.10 
    Comment: X11 front-end program for the archie network search service 

Package: xgopher-1.3.3 
    Version: xgopher-1.3.3 
    Comment: XGopher 1.3.3 - a brown, furry creature for burroring through

Package: yale-tftpd-3.0 
    Version: yale-tftpd-3.0 
    Comment: Enhanced tftpd(8) from Yale University and cisco Systems 

Package: ytalk-3.0.2 
    Version: ytalk-3.0.2 
    Comment: A new "talk" that can talk to multiple parties at once 

Package: zircon-1.15.11 
    Version: zircon-1.15.11 
    Comment: Zircon, an X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat. 

Package: zephyr-2.0.2 
    Version: zephyr-2.0.2 
    Comment: zephyr - real time message passing and notification service. 

Subdirectory news
Package: cnews-cr.g 
    Version: cnews-cr.g 
    Comment: Cnews, the January 1995 release 

Package: inn-1.4 
    Version: inn-1.4 
    Comment: InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews, Version 1.4 

Package: nn-6.5.0 
    Version: nn-6.5.0 
    Comment: NN newsreader, version 6.5.0.b3 

Package: nntp- 
    Version: nntp- 
    Comment: NNTP with NOV support. 

Package: rkive3.1 
    Version: rkive3.1 
    Comment: rkive - a USENET newsgroup archiver, version 3.1 

Package: tin-1.22 
    Version: tin-1.22 
    Comment: TIN newsreader, version 1.2 patchlevel 2 

Package: trn-3.6 
    Version: trn-3.6 
    Comment: TRN, Threaded Read News, newsreader 3.5 

Subdirectory plan9
Package: rc-1.5b1 
    Version: rc-1.5b1 
    Comment: A unix incarnation of the plan9 shell. 

Package: es-0.9a1 
    Version: es-0.9a1 
    Comment: An extensible shell, derrived from plan9's rc 

Package: 9wm-1.1 
    Version: 9wm-1.1 
    Comment: An 8 1/2-like Window Manager for X 

Package: 9menu-1.4 
    Version: 9menu-1.4 
    Comment: A simple menu patterened after plan9 

Package: sam-4.3 
    Version: sam-4.3 
    Comment: A unix version of Rob Pike's editor for plan9 

Package: 9term-1.6.3 
    Version: 9term-1.6.3 
    Comment: An X11 program which emulates a plan9 window. 

Package: libXgFonts-1.0 
    Version: libXgFonts-1.0 
    Comment: These are the UNICODE fonts for use with 9term and sam. 

Subdirectory printing
Package: a2ps-4.3 
    Version: a2ps-4.3 
    Comment: Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer. 

Package: afm-1.0 
    Version: afm-1.0 
    Comment: Adobe Font Metrics. 

Package: apsfilter-4.9.2 
    Version: apsfilter-4.9.2 
    Comment: lpd magic print filter with auto file type recognition 

Package: dvi2xx-0.51a9 
    Version: dvi2xx-0.51a9 
    Comment: Convert dvi files to HP LaserJet or IBM 3812 format. 

Package: dvips-5.58 
    Version: dvips-5.58 
    Comment: dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript.    Version 5.58 

Package: dviselect-1.3 
    Version: dviselect-1.3 
    Comment: dviselect - extract pages from DVI files 

Package: ghostscript-2.6.2 
    Version: ghostscript-2.6.2 
    Comment: GNU Postscript interpreter (2.6.2). 

Package: ghostscript-3.51 
    Version: ghostscript-3.51 
    Comment: Aladdin Postscript interpreter 

Package: ghostview-1.5 
    Version: ghostview-1.5 
    Comment: ghostview - an X11 front-end for ghostscript, the GNU
        postscript previewer.

Package: latex2e-95.06 
    Version: latex2e-95.06 
    Comment: LaTeX2e <1995/06/01> 

Package: latex-2.09 
    Version: latex-2.09 
    Comment: LaTeX and slitex.   Version 2.09 (the ``old'' version)  

Package: makeindex-3.0.8 
    Version: makeindex-3.0.8 
    Comment: A general purpose, formatter-independent index processor. 

Package: mltex-3.1415 
    Version: mltex-3.1415 
    Comment: MlTeX (Multilingual TeX), METAFONT, LaTeX 2e + french.sty 

Package: musixtex-3.96 
    Version: musixtex-3.96 
    Comment: A set of TeX macros to typeset music. 

Package: psutils-1.13 
    Version: psutils-1.13 
    Comment: Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents. 

Package: rtf2latex-1.5 
    Version: rtf2latex-1.5 
    Comment: rtf2LaTeX is a filter that converts RTF (MS's Rich Text
        Format) into LaTeX.

Package: tex-3.1415 
    Version: tex-3.1415 
    Comment: This is TeX, Version 3.1415 and METAFONT, Version 2.71. 

Package: texinfo-2.124 
    Version: texinfo-2.124 
    Comment: texinfo:  typeset Texinfo files for printing. Uses TeX. 

Package: tr2latex-2.2 
    Version: tr2latex-2.2 
    Comment: tr2latex - convert a document from troff to LaTeX 

Package: transfig-3.1.1 
    Version: transfig-3.1.1 
    Comment: transfig - Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files. Version 3.1.1 

Package: xdvi-pl20 
    Version: xdvi-pl20 
    Comment: xdvi: a DVI Previewer for the X Window System. Patchlevel 18 

Package: xtexshell-0.91 
    Version: xtexshell-0.91 
    Comment: This is the XTeXShell Vers 0.91 

Subdirectory russian utilities
Package: ru-d1489-1.2 
    Version: ru-d1489-1.2 
    Comment: point-to-point Alt(cp866)<->koi8-r decoder and font converter
        acc. to RFC1489

Subdirectory russian x11
Package: ru-X11 
    Version: ru-X11 
    Comment: Setup X locale/nls for russian language (koi8-r) 

Subdirectory russian networking x11
Package: ru-netscape-1.12 
    Version: ru-netscape-1.12 
    Comment: Tune netscape 1.12 to work with russian (koi8-r) fonts 

Package: ru-netscape-2.0b2 
    Version: ru-netscape-2.0b2 
    Comment: Tune netscape 2.0b2 to work with russian (koi8-r) fonts 

Subdirectory russian utilities
Package: ru-pgp-2.6 
    Version: ru-pgp-2.6 
    Comment: Russian language module for PGP 2.6* 

Subdirectory shells
Package: bash-1.14.5 
    Version: bash-1.14.5 
    Comment: bash, the GNU Borne Again Shell.  Version 1.14.5 

Package: pdksh-5.2.3 
    Version: pdksh-5.2.3 
    Comment: The Public Domain Korn Shell. 

Package: tcsh-6.06 
    Version: tcsh-6.06 
    Comment: TCSH shell (csh-like) V6.06 

Package: zsh-2.6b10 
    Version: zsh-2.6b10 
    Comment: Zsh - the Z shell, version 2.6 beta 10 

Subdirectory development networking security
Package: libident-0.18 
    Version: libident-0.18 
    Comment: libidentd - a small library to interface the ident protocol
        server (rfc1413)

Subdirectory security
Package: pgp262s 
    Version: pgp262s 
    Comment: Pretty Good Privacy(tm) MIT 2.6.2 or International 2.6.2i -
        Public-Key encryption for the masses

Subdirectory security networking
Package: pidentd-2.6.1 
    Version: pidentd-2.6.1 
    Comment: pidentd - a RFC1413 identification server, version 2.6.1 

Package: tcp_wrappers-7.2 
    Version: tcp_wrappers-7.2 
    Comment: This is the 7.2 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package. 

Subdirectory sysutils
Package: afio-2.4.1 
    Version: afio-2.4.1 
    Comment: Archiver & backup program w/ builtin compression 

Package: manck-1.0 
    Version: manck-1.0 
    Comment: Manual page consistency checker 

Package: sudo- 
    Version: sudo- 
    Comment: Allow others to run commands as root. 

Package: top-3.3 
    Version: top-3.3 
    Comment: Top 3.3 - A system monitoring utility 

Package: tua-4.0 
    Version: tua-4.0 
    Comment: TUA - The Uucp Analyzer. Version 4.0 

Subdirectory sysutils x11
Package: xbatt-1.0 
    Version: xbatt-1.0 
    Comment: Laptop battery status display for X11 

Package: xdu-3.0 
    Version: xdu-3.0 
    Comment: Graphically display output of du 

Subdirectory sysutils
Package: xperfmon-1.1 
    Version: xperfmon-1.1 
    Comment: xperfmon++, version 1.1 (with shared libs for X11 and FreeBSD

Subdirectory sysutils x11
Package: xsysstats-1.34 
    Version: xsysstats-1.34 
    Comment: A system information display tool 

Subdirectory utilities
Package: amanda-2.2.6 
    Version: amanda-2.2.6 
    Comment: Amanda, The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver 

Subdirectory editors
Package: beav-1.40.3 
    Version: beav-1.40.3 
    Comment: BEAV-1.40.3 (Binary Editor And Viewer), is a full featured
        binary file editor.

Subdirectory utilities
Package: chord-3.6 
    Version: chord-3.6 
    Comment: Produce PS sheet-music from text input 

Package: colorls-2.1 
    Version: colorls-2.1 
    Comment: An ls that can use color to display file attributes 

Package: git-4.3.6 
    Version: git-4.3.6 
    Comment: GNU Interactive Tools - a file system browser for UNIX systems 

Package: ical-1.9 
    Version: ical-1.9 
    Comment: A calendar application. 

Package: ispell-3.1.18 
    Version: ispell-3.1.18 
    Comment: Ispell - an interactive spelling checker.    version 3.1 

Package: kp-0.95 
    Version: kp-0.95 
    Comment: The Keyboard Practicer, touch-type training program 

Package: less-290 
    Version: less-290 
    Comment: less 290 - a better pager utility 

Package: mc-3.0 
    Version: mc-3.0 
    Comment: GNU Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone 

Package: mshell-1.0 
    Version: mshell-1.0 
    Comment: Mshell: a Unix menuing shell 

Package: recode-3.4 
    Version: recode-3.4 
    Comment: GNU `recode' converts files between character sets and usages. 

Package: rman-2.4 
    Version: rman-2.4 
    Comment: rman-2.4 - reverse compile man pages from formatted form 

Package: screen-3.6.2 
    Version: screen-3.6.2 
    Comment: screen - a multi-screen window manager 

Package: tkinfo-0.6 
    Version: tkinfo-0.6 
    Comment: A tk script to read GNU "info" files and display them. 

Package: tkman-1.7.3 
    Version: tkman-1.7.3 
    Comment: tkman-1.7.3 - a Tcl/Tk based manual browser 

Subdirectory x11
Package: fwf-3.8 
    Version: fwf-3.8 
    Comment: The Free Widget Foundation Widget Release, R3.8 

Package: XFree86-3.1.2 
    Version: XFree86-3.1.2 
    Comment: X11R6/XFree86 version 3.1.2 

Package: Xaw3d-1.2a 
    Version: Xaw3d-1.2a 
    Comment: A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif 

Package: blt-1.7 
    Version: blt-1.7 
    Comment: BLT (Tk add-on), version 1.7 (with shared libs) 

Package: color_xterm-pl5 
    Version: color_xterm-pl5 
    Comment: R6 xterm with colors 

Package: ctwm-3.3 
    Version: ctwm-3.3 
    Comment: CTWM is an extension to twm, that support multiple virtual
        screens, and a lot of other goodies.

Package: emiclock-1.0.2 
    Version: emiclock-1.0.2 
    Comment: Hyper-animated face analog clock for X11 

Package: emu-1.3.1 
    Version: emu-1.3.1 
    Comment: The emu terminal emulator for the X Window System, version

Package: fvwm-1.24r 
    Version: fvwm-1.24r 
    Comment: fvwm-1.24r - version 1.24r of of the fvwm window manager -
        requires XPM

Package: iv-3.1 
    Version: iv-3.1 
    Comment: InterViews 3.1 from Stanford University and Silicon Graphics. 

Package: olvwm-4.1 
    Version: olvwm-4.1 
    Comment: OpenLook Virtual Window manager  

Package: piewm-1.0 
    Version: piewm-1.0 
    Comment: piewm is tvtwm with pie (circular) menus 

Package: rxvt-2.09 
    Version: rxvt-2.09 
    Comment: rxvt - a cut-down version of xterm for those with less memory 

Package: sxpc-1.4 
    Version: sxpc-1.4 
    Comment: The Simple X Protocol Compressor 

Package: tk-3.6 
    Version: tk-3.6 
    Comment: TK (Tcl Tool Kit), version 3.6 (with shared libs) 

Package: tk-4.0.2 
    Version: tk-4.0.2 
    Comment: TK (Tcl Tool Kit), version 4.0p2 

Package: tvtwm-pl11 
    Version: tvtwm-pl11 
    Comment: tvtwm - a virtual desktop twm 

Package: viewfax-2.2 
    Version: viewfax-2.2 
    Comment: Display files containing g3 and/or g4 coded fax pages. 

Subdirectory x11 emulation
Package: x3270- 
    Version: x3270- 
    Comment: 3270 Terminal emulator ( 

Subdirectory x11
Package: xbuffy-3.2.1 
    Version: xbuffy-3.2.1 
    Comment: XBuffy 3.2.1 - A replacement for xbiff that handles multiple
        mail files.

Package: xcb-2.3 
    Version: xcb-2.3 
    Comment: A tool for managing x11 cut-buffers 

Package: xcolors-1.3 
    Version: xcolors-1.3 
    Comment: Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe 

Package: xdaliclock-2.05 
    Version: xdaliclock-2.05 
    Comment: xdaliclock v 2.05 - a rather neat animated clock. 

Package: xdtm-2.5.5 
    Version: xdtm-2.5.5 
    Comment: Desktop Manager is a graphical shell for the X Window System. 

Package: xearth-1.0 
    Version: xearth-1.0 
    Comment: XEarth 1.0 

Package: xfed-1.0 
    Version: xfed-1.0 
    Comment: A program that will let you edit X fonts (.bdf files) 

Package: xfm-1.3.2 
    Version: xfm-1.3.2 
    Comment: xfm-1.3 - xfm version 1.3 

Subdirectory graphics x11
Package: xforms-0.75 
    Version: xforms-0.75 
    Comment: XForms is a graphical user interface toolkit for X Window

Subdirectory x11
Package: xgrab-2.3 
    Version: xgrab-2.3 
    Comment: xgrab, xgrabsc: an X-Windows image grabber 

Package: xkeycaps-2.28 
    Version: xkeycaps-2.28 
    Comment: xkeycaps - graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping 

Package: xloadimage-3.03 
    Version: xloadimage-3.03 
    Comment: XLOADIMAGE - X11 Image Loading Utility 

Package: xlockmore-2.11b 
    Version: xlockmore-2.11b 
    Comment: XLockmore (like XLock session locker/screen saver, but just
        more) v 2.11BETA

Package: xphoon-91.9.18 
    Version: xphoon-91.9.18 
    Comment: Set the root window to the moon in its current phase 

Package: xscreensaver-1.25 
    Version: xscreensaver-1.25 
    Comment: Save your screen while you entertain your cat 

Package: xsnow-1.39 
    Version: xsnow-1.39 
    Comment: Xsnow - create a snowy and Santa-y desktop 

Package: xview-config-3.2.1 
    Version: xview-config-3.2.1 
    Comment: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages 

Package: xview-lib-3.2.1 
    Version: xview-lib-3.2.1 
    Comment: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages 

Package: xview-clients-3.2.1 
    Version: xview-clients-3.2.1 
    Comment: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages 

$Id: bsd_pt2.txt,v 1.2 1996/01/03 03:33:25 joeg Exp $
     II. Easy compiling software & packages for FreeBSD & NetBSD

        Comment: Communication package similar to DOS telix (seems to be
                 a mirror or sunsite.unc.edu)
        Submitted by: uwp@cs.tu-berlin.de (Udo Wolter)
        Tested on: FreeBSD 1.0.2

        Comment: Lucid Emacs 19.9 (NetBSD 0.9/XFree86)
        Submitted by: james r grinter (james@blodwen.demon.co.uk)
        Tested on: NetBSD 0.9

        Comment: Andrew User Interface System, includes MIME mailer, word
                 processor, spread-sheet etc.
        Submitted by: <cagney@highland.oz.au> (Andrew Cagney) &
                      <njw@cs.city.ac.uk> (Nick Williams)
        Tested on: NetBSD-0.9 (cagney)
                   NetBSD-current-16-apr (cagney)
                   FreeBSD-1.1 (njw)

        Comment: Andrew-6.3 binaries for FreeBSD-1.1.5
        Submitted by: <serg@klara.weizmann.ac.il> (Serge Maleyev)
        Tested on: FreeBSD-1.1.5-RELEASE

        Comment: A very powerful mail user agent, w/natural language interface
        Submitted by: shawn@fenchurch.MIT.EDU (Shawn F. Mckay)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: POP mail server
        Submitted by: banshee@resort.com (John Vinopal)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Replacement for SENDMAIL - _much_ easier to use and configure
        Submitted by: mark@grondar.za (Mark Murray) or 
                      murray@its.uct.ac.za (Mark Murray)
        Tested on: FreeBSD-1.1, FreeBSD-

        Comment: Newsreader nn
        Submitted by: g89r4222@alpha.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Modula-2 compiler
        Submitted by: hopp@ira.uka.de (Holger) &
                      wosch@cs.tu-berlin.de (Wolfram Schneider)
        Tested on: FreeBSD 1.1 (current), static linked

        Comment: Menu software 
        Submitted by: ted@oz.plymouth.edu (The Wizard of Oz)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Virtual window manager
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: ???
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: ???

        Comment: Tetris game for X11
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Utility to generate pictures for LaTeX
        Submitted by: Andras Olah <olah@cs.utwente.nl>
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: Graphical interface to xmodmap
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

        Comment: XPixmap library & utils
        Submitted by: olah@cs.utwente.nl (Andras Olah)
        Tested on: FreeBSD ?.?

$Id: bsd_pt3.txt,v 1.1 1995/12/03 03:51:04 joeg Exp $
        III. Commercial software for FreeBSD & NetBSD

Product:        ctree, dtree, rtree
Company:        FairCom Corp.
Comment:        ISAM routines(ctree), Screen handling(dtree), 
                Report generator (rtree)    
Tel/Fax:        (314) 445-6833 / (314) 445-9698 / (800) 234-8180
Email:          FairCom@cerf.net
Submitted by:   joeg@interaccess.com (Josef Grosch)

Product:        Motif 1.2.3 Runtime & Development
Company:        GUI, Inc.
For U.S. and Canada:

Product:	Motif Runtime & Development
Company:	ACC Corporation
Comment:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax:	(800) 546-7274 / (203) 454-2582 
Email:		info@acc-corp.com 

For countries outside U.S. and Canada:

Product:	Motif Runtime & Development
Company:	Lasermoon Ltd. 
Comment:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax:	+44.329.826.444 / +44.329.825.936	
Email:		info@lasermoon.co.uk

Submitted by:   hanh@seq.com (Hanh Vu)

For Australia/New Zealand:
Product	: 	- Motif Runtime & Development (SWiM 2.0 currently)
		- Accelerated-X
Company	:	Supercom Computers
Comment	:	Full runtime/development
Tel/Fax	:	(61 3) 850 6053 / (61 3) 852 2021
Email	:	supercom@melbourne.DIALix.oz.au

Submitted by:   M.C Wong <mcw@hpato.aus.hp.com>

Product:        Accelerated-X
Company:        X Inside
Comment:        High performance X Server with easy configuration
Tel:            (800) XINSIDE / (303) 384-9999 / (303) 384-9778
ftp:            ftp.xinside.com:/accelx/1.1/prodinfo.txt
WWW:            http://www.xinside.com/
Email:          info@xinside.com
Submitted by:   jdc@xinside.com

$Id: bsd_pt4.txt,v 1.1 1995/12/03 03:51:04 joeg Exp $
                     IV. Mirror sites for FreeBSD

A quick note about these sites;

Please use the mirror site nearest you. Don't go to the Mother Site
(FreeBSD.org or CDROM.com) These poor machines are getting the hell
beat out of them.

If you are outside of the United States, Please, Please, Please, do
not download secure (DES) or eBones (Kerberos) from any site within
the United States. Doing so could get that site into serious trouble
with America's export laws. Versions of DES and Kerberos that is free
of American export restrictions can be found at locations listed at
the end of this section.
The latest versions of FreeBSD (2.0 or later) is being mirrored at the
following locations:


Australia - The University of Sydney

Finland - Finnish University and Research Network, Espoo

France - Institut Blaise Pascal, Paris

Germany - University of Duisburg, NRW, Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Hong Kong - Hong Kong Supernet 

Korea - 

Netherlands - Stichting NL.net, Amsterdam

Portugal - Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro

Russia - RELCOM Joint Stock Company, Moscow

Sweden - University of Lule

Taiwan - Nation Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu

Thailand - The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Bangkok

USA - Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto, CA.

USA - Cybernetx, Inc., Charlotte, NC.

USA - NeoSoft, Houston, TX.

USA - Analysis and Technology, Inc., Crystal City, VA.

USA - The Digital Dataplex, Austin, TX.

Japan - Toyohashi University of Technology, Aich Prefectural

Japan - Software Research Associcates, Inc. Tokyo

Japan - University of Electra-Communications, Tokyo

Japan - Waseda University, Tokyo

Japan - Toyama Prefectural University, Toyama Prefectural, Hokuriku

Japan - The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima

Japan - 

UK - 

UK - Hensa Unix, The University of Kent at Canterbury, England

UK - Demon Internet Ltd., Finchley, England

The latest versions of export-restricted code for FreeBSD (2.0C or
later) (eBones and secure) are being made available at the following

If you are outside the U.S. or Canada, please get secure (DES) and
eBones (Kerberos) from one of the following foreign distribution

Brazil - 

South Africa - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria

South Africa - University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town

$Id: bsd_pt5.txt,v 1.2 1996/01/03 03:33:25 joeg Exp $
Josef Grosch - joeg@truenorth.org     | "Laugh while you can, monkey boy."
http://www.interaccess.com/users/joeg |          - John Warfin - 
	    Keeper of FreeBSD ported list - FreeBSD 2.1.0R