*BSD News Article 68600

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From: Rainer Doemer <doemer>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: Help me, Mister Wizard!
Date: 15 May 1996 20:13:51 GMT
Organization: University of California, Irvine
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <4nddtv$os1@drivel.ics.uci.edu>
References: <Pine.NEB.3.93.960515044938.164A-100000@natrix.wcrb.com>
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Rob Landry <umar@wcrb.com> wrote:
>I'm running NetBSD 1.1/i386 on a Compudyne 386-33 with 4 MB RAM and a 1.2
>GB hard drive.  Every few days the system freezes up.
>When that happens, it won't respond to anything typed on the keyboard. 
>The machine can be pinged, however, and I can telnet to it and get
>"Connected to zzzzz.wcrb.com", but no login prompt.  The machine runs
>sendmail, named and httpd, none of which respond while it is in its
>"comatose" state.  The only way I've been able to bring it back to life
>is to power it down and cold-boot it.

I've the same problem with NetBSD 1.1 on my AMIGA! The symptoms are
exactly the same as yours.

>Does anyone have any ideas on how I might track this problem down? 

Sorry, I didn't find a solution to this problem yet, but in my case
the problem seems to depend on the daily/weekly/monthly scripts.
You can find these files in the /etc directory and they are called
regulary by a cron job (check your crontab).
Everytime my system freezes it's been while executing one of these

Hope this helps...


Rainer Doemer
Information and Computer Science         email: doemer@ics.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine    http://www.ics.uci.edu/~doemer