*BSD News Article 68718

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From: ro11@crux4.cit.cornell.edu (Rohan Oberoi)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Linux vs. FreeBSD ...
Date: 16 May 1996 21:12:05 GMT
Organization: Cornell University
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <4ng5n5$e3p@tuba.cit.cornell.edu>
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #6 (NOV)

>Stephane Russell <sstef@sprynet.com> wrote:

>> When I read this and all the other news articles alike, I
>> understand more why Windows is selling better than Unices. It's
>> amazing to see how every Unix groups are fighting against each
>> others all the time.

This makes you understand why Windows is selling better than Unix ?
What a monumentally clueless person you must be.  Rather more than
90% of the people who will ratchet up Bill Gates's bank account this
month have no clue that anyone is fighting about anything on this 
newsgroup.  We could be making appointments to meet in the parking
lot behind Walgreen's wearing red bandannas to settle the FreeBSD vs
Linux question once and for all with switchblades and hockey sticks
and the vast majority of Windoze users wouldn't know or care.

Having installed Windows, FreeBSD and Linux, I have reluctantly
come to the conclusion that Windows sells better primarily because,
while it is a lousy operating system, Joe Q. English Major doesn't
have to plumb the depths of hardware configuration hell in order
to get it up and running, or to do a few useful things with it 
without bursting a blood vessel.

As to why Windows sells better than the Mac, now, that's just marketing...
