*BSD News Article 68745

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From: John F Clark <clark@knox.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: INN1.4 on FreeBSD ...
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 20:38:58 -0400
Organization: Cornerstone Microsystems Inc., Mt.Vernon Ohio USA
Lines: 12
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960516203030.9714A-100000@jasper.knox.net>
References: <3188C1E2.45AE@onramp.net> <4n8jin$htl@agate.berkeley.edu> <4nalgf$747@nntpb.cb.att.com> <319b6e30.396869685@news> <4ng4ae$cdq@agate.berkeley.edu>
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In-Reply-To: <4ng4ae$cdq@agate.berkeley.edu> 

Can anyone help me? Im trying to install Inn1.4 on a box that has Free BSD
installed on it. I succesfully managed to install Inn1.4 (after a lot of
tweaking) on  a Linux Box. The problem is I cant even get it to compile!
After editing the config.fata file and running either of make world/
make/make install in the main news directory it complains about a syntax 
error in {newsdir}/config/subst (which came w/the tar file!) and 
conflicting types in the include files for `lseek' and `sys_errlist'.
I know its probably incorrect settings in {newsdir}/config/config.data
- so does anyone know where I can download/view a known working config.data
file for INN1.4 on Free BSD. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
John Clark