*BSD News Article 68833

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From: andreas@knobel.gun.de (Andreas Klemm)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Symmetric Multi-Processing
Date: 18 May 1996 07:34:00 GMT
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <4njuh8$b3p@knobel.gun.de>
References: <3180D16D.41C6@wcom.com> <31827FD0.FF6D5DF@freebsd.org>
X-Newsreader: knews 0.9.6
In-Reply-To: <31829E21.46253B04@lambert.org>
To: Terry Lambert <terry@lambert.org>

In article <31829E21.46253B04@lambert.org>,
	Terry Lambert <terry@lambert.org> writes:
>Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:
>] It's limping along on two processors at a couple of places,
>] but nothing I'd consider even close to production quality
>] yet!  If you're interested in gettting in on the ground floor,
>] as it were, and possibly helping to *make* this a production
>] quality enhancement, please contact our SMP project coordinator
>] - Peter Wemm <peter@freebsd.org>.
>Be aware that Jordan's idea of what constitutes "production
>quality" is seriously biased... he's a release manager, and
>has higher standards than most of us (hell, he has higher
>standards than most release managers 8-) 8-)).

And for exactly that reason I really *love* FreeBSD.

The good concept of making resources available (sup, ctm, ...)
and the very good quality of the OS ;-)

	Andreas ///

andreas@knobel.gun.de         /\/\___      Wiechers & Partner Datentechnik GmbH
   Andreas Klemm          ___/\/\/         $$  Support Unix - aklemm@wup.de  $$
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