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From: Vlad <roubtsov@uiuc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Re: Q: fast file system
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:13:04 -0500
Organization: Baphomet's Throne
Lines: 62
Message-ID: <31BE51CC.41C67EA6@uiuc.edu>
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Terry Lambert wrote:
> Vlad wrote:
> ] (1) Is is true that only files without indirect blocks can have
> ] the last bit allocated in a fragment ?
> If you allocate the last block in a frag, it is no longer a frag,
> it's an ordinary block.

??? I really don't understand what you mean. My question was if the
following scenario was true: fragments were introduced in BSD4.2 so that
it was possible not to waste too much storage to internal fragmentation
with larger block sizes (!40-50% with 4096-blocks with _no_ individually
addressable fragments!) and yet have the benefit of higher throughput
due to larger blocks. Well then, small files are the ones who contribute
the most to the waste. Hence no real need to bother with _fragment_
allocation overhead for large files. You remember of course that after
we've allocated 12 direct data bocks to a file we have to get out first
singly-indirect block, then doubly-indirect blocks etc. Well then,
12*4096 is 48k and it seems like a natural threshold to stop allocation
on fragment level (i.e. as soon as we begin using the first indirect
pointer in the dinode structure) -- that was my impression from what
I've read so far. Do you see what I am trying to say ? In other words
small enough files can share fragments of blocks between themselves, but
large ones can't. 

> ] (2) If it's correct to say that block pointers in the inode
> ] structure point to blocks (not fragments) and distinct
> ] fragments within the same block can be allocated to different
> ] files, then how does the file system determine which fragments
> ] in a given fragmented block belong to which file ? I mean I
> ] understand that free block bitmaps have granularity on
> ] the fragment level, but that's not enough: there must be a way
> ] to specify that, say, first 3 1024-fragments in a 4096-block
> ] belong to this file associated with this inode and the last
> ] 1024-fragment belongs to that file/inode...etc.
> Only the last fractional block in a file may be contained in
> a frag.  Ie, you can't have:
>         block frag frag block frag block frag

I didn't mean this.

> You can only have:
>         block block block block block block frag

I have phrased my question badly perhaps. I mean in the situation like

(_one_ block with 4 fragments, all 4 allocated to 2 _distinct_ files
A and B) -- how is this situation recorded ? I mean it's Ok with the
free block bitmap (1 bit for each _fragment_, but that only indicates
free/allocated status), but block pointers in _inodes_ point to whole
_blocks_, don't they ? How are individual fragments resolved on inode
level ?
