*BSD News Article 7100

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From: bad@flatlin.ka.sub.org (Christoph Badura)
Subject: Re: cache terms (was Adding Swapspace ??)
Organization: Guru Systems/Funware Department
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1992 02:44:37 GMT
Message-ID: <BwrEAE.8vB@flatlin.ka.sub.org>
References: <Bw7H4L.LLB@cosy.sbg.ac.at> <1992Oct16.162729.3701@ninja.zso.dec.com> <1992Oct16.201806.21519@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <Bw8Mw5.IFC@pix.com> <1992Oct18.082017.22382@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <BwLLxp.7Bt@flatlin.ka.sub.org> <1992Oct25.111525.25782@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <26965@dog.ee.lbl.gov> <1992Oct25.224950.3098@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Lines: 43

In <1992Oct25.224950.3098@fcom.cc.utah.edu> terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C) writes:

>Of course, this still leaves the issue of `write behind' unresolved; is it
>synonymous with `write through' or `write back'?

The latter.

>Since I think
>we can all agree that a block of data has to go to memory before that memory
>is written to disk, then the operation is either `write through' or `write
>behind' based on your definition of simultanaity (something can't be going
>into a bounce buffer and written at the same time).

Bounce buffers don't come into play.  A cache is "write through", iff
every write to the cache _immediatly_ solicites a write to secondary
storage.  It is "write behind" or "write back" if the flush tu
secondary storage is triggered by other events (e.g. cache coherency
protocols, periodic flushes, space shortage in the cache itself,

I really don't understand your remars about buffer cache, swapping and
swapping to files.

Clearly swapping to files is better than no swapping at all or
insufficient swap space when you can't allocate an additional swap

On the other hand, the swapping to devices can make potential use of
the buffer cache.  In that case "swap buffers" should have a different
priority than "file buffers."  Which should be higher I don't know. But
I would guess that "file buffers" should have priority over "swap
buffers" to improve file system performance when memory performance
can't be improved.

There are some caveats about unifying VM and buffer cache (as in SunOS
4.x), as large memory requirement can have undesirable performance
drops in file system throughput and vice versa.

				Christoph Badura  ---  bad@flatlin.ka.sub.org

AIX is a better... is a better...  is a better... OpenSystem.
					IBM Rep at GUUG Symposium '92