*BSD News Article 71447

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From: jas@slugvine.demon.co.uk (John Stark)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: The Ineterest Task
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 23:09:01 GMT
Organization: Home
Lines: 27
Distribution: su
Message-ID: <Dt7xn1.5JC@slugvine.demon.co.uk>
References: <199606171939.CAA07332@ricc.alma-ata.su>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: slugvine.demon.co.uk

In article <199606171939.CAA07332@ricc.alma-ata.su>,
Ivan Lebedev <ivan@ricc.alma-ata.su> wrote:
> I saw a disscussion about "*" file's name and I found one more problem with
>file's name. If I packing some files with directories by "tar" and write at
>end of the command line "--remove-files" like "tar -cf --remove-files" I got
>a file - archive wich I need but it have name "--remove-files".

You need something like this:

% tar --remove-files -cf x.tar <files>

>What I need to do with that file for deleting him or renaming. 
> (I made "cat < --remove-files > x.tar") 

Your problems are because the - at the beginning makes most utilities
think it's a command-line option, even if you use wildcards.
You need an extra - option for mv:

% mv - --remove-files x.tar

This also works for rm, though it reports an error which you can ignore:

% rm - --remove-files
rm: -: No such file or directory
John Stark (at home)       |   Cambridge, England
jas@slugvine.demon.co.uk   |   Tel. Cambridge (01223) 573555