*BSD News Article 71761

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From: yu120560@yorku.ca (Dan Ziegler)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Need Help: Amiga NETBSD
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 96 17:37:27 GMT
Organization: York University, Ontario, Canada
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4qhb20$i0o@sunburst.ccs.yorku.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: curly10.slip.yorku.ca
Summary: need help installing NetBSD under wb 1.3
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
Keyword: Amiga

 I have an Amiga 2000 with an 030 and FPU running Workbench 1.3, and I'm 
trying to install NetBSD on it. I followed the instructions up to the point 
where you copy the file system over to the swap partition. Every time I try to 
load the utility to do this (xstreamtodev) it crashes. I tried installing an 
ixemu.library, but this didn't seem to help. What I need to know is: 

1. Can you run NetBSD under Workbench 1.3? 
2. Which version of ixemu.library do I need, and where can I get it?
3. Why does it always crash when I load xstreamtodev?

 Please reply by e-mail if possible. Thanks in advance...

Dan Ziegler                                              
EMail: yu120560@yorku.ca                                 
Web: http://www.finearts.yorku.ca/dziegler/3rdmnsn.htm