*BSD News Article 71763

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From: wwoodf1@umbc.edu (Bill Woodford)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: boot.flp sucks!!! FreeBSD guys.
Date: 22 Jun 1996 15:25:28 -0400
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <4qhhb8$bjk@foing.gl.umbc.edu>
References: <4q08o1$jfn@kaiwan009.kaiwan.com> <4q1c1a$19c_002@mypc.neosoft.com> <4q1ufg$kku@client2.news.psi.net> <4q2c2e$s2t@kaiwan009.kaiwan.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: foing.gl.umbc.edu
NNTP-Posting-User: wwoodf1

In article <4q2c2e$s2t@kaiwan009.kaiwan.com>,
 <aks@kaiwan009.kaiwan.com> wrote:
>: What's your hardware configuration?  Try turning off your CPU cache
>: (problem with some 486 caches; turn it back on after the install). Did
>: you write boot.flp to a verified good (preformatted) floppy?
>My floppy is OK.
>My hardware is PC. Isn't that enough?

Sorry, need a little more than that.  What CPU, how much ram, what
peripherals... is it SCSI or IDE, do you have external cache?  How much? 
Is it enabled, what type of MB PCI/VLB/EISA/ISA if it is SCSI, what are 
the address settings for the card, do you have more the one SCSI card, do 
you have a mix of SCSI and IDE, Do you have an intel chip or is it Cyrix?

Bill Woodford * wwoodf1@gl.umbc.edu |  University Computing Services
President, UMBC Anime Society (UAS) | Assistant Systems Administrator
                    -=*  UMBC Anime Society  *=-
EMAIL: uas@umbc.edu * HOMEPAGE: http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~wwoodf1/anime
 MAILING LIST: anime-fans@lists.umbc.edu * NEWSGROUP: umbc.org.anime